
The word “obligated” has 4 syllables: ob-li-gat-ed.

It's pronounced as /ˈɑblɪˌɡeɪtɪd/.

What is synonym and antonym for obligated?

In the thesaurus, “obligated” has 9 synonyms and 3 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for obligated along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for obligated

  • beholden
  • coerced
  • compelled
  • duty-bound
  • enslaved
  • forced
  • grateful
  • indebted
  • obliged

Antonyms for obligated

  • allowed
  • let
  • permitted

Meanings of obligated

  • verb
    1. To bind, compel, constrain, or oblige by a social, legal, or moral tie.
    2. To cause to be grateful or indebted; to oblige.
    3. To commit (money, for example) in order to fulfill an obligation.
  • adjective
    1. Committed.
    2. Having an obligation; obliged.

Example Sentences

  • The signed contract obligated both parties to fulfill their respective responsibilities.
  • By accepting the award, the recipient felt obligated to deliver a heartfelt thank-you speech.
  • The new company policy obligated employees to attend mandatory training sessions.
  • As a member of the team, she was obligated to contribute to the collaborative project.
  • The financial agreement obligated the borrower to make monthly repayments according to the agreed-upon schedule.

On this page you'll find 12 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to obligated, such as: allowed, beholden, coerced, compelled, duty-bound, enslaved, forced.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • accomplished
  • achieved
  • appreciated
  • assembled
  • attained
  • brought
  • built
  • calculated
  • caused
  • closed
  • coerced
  • compelled
  • comprehended
  • constructed
  • created
  • deciphered
  • did
  • earned
  • enacted
  • estimated
  • executed
  • felt
  • figured
  • forced
  • fulfilled
  • gained
  • garnered
  • generated
  • got
  • grasped
  • guessed
  • headed
  • judged
  • knew
  • landed
  • locked
  • looked
  • manufactured
  • obligated
  • obliged
  • obtained
  • passed
  • performed
  • produced
  • prompted
  • put
  • realized
  • reaped
  • recognized
  • saw
  • scored
  • secured
  • seemed
  • shut
  • spawned
  • supposed
  • understood
  • won
  • wrought



  • accommodated
  • appeased
  • appreciative
  • assisted
  • coerced
  • compelled
  • delighted
  • duty-bound
  • enslaved
  • favored
  • forced
  • glad
  • grateful
  • helped
  • indebted
  • indulged
  • obligated
  • pleased
  • satisfied
  • thankful


  • blackjacked
  • blackmailed
  • coerced
  • compelled
  • constrained
  • dragooned
  • drove
  • exacted
  • extorted
  • forced
  • impelled
  • impressed
  • muscled
  • obligated
  • obliged
  • pressed
  • pressured
  • sandbagged
  • squeezed
  • terrorized
  • threatened
  • wrested
  • wrung


  • bilk
  • block
  • cause
  • charge
  • coerced
  • compel
  • compelled
  • con
  • constrain
  • curb
  • cut off
  • deceive
  • defraud
  • delude
  • demand
  • discourage
  • drag
  • drive
  • dupe
  • erode
  • extort
  • fleece
  • forbid
  • forced
  • frustrate
  • gouge
  • hamper
  • hinder
  • hoodwink
  • hurt
  • impair
  • impede
  • impose
  • inflict
  • inhibit
  • interfere
  • limit
  • make
  • mislead
  • move
  • obligated
  • oblige
  • obliged
  • obscure
  • obstruct
  • order
  • outlaw
  • overcharge
  • press
  • pressure
  • pressured
  • prohibit
  • require
  • restrain
  • restrict
  • retard
  • ruin
  • sabotage
  • sap
  • stall
  • stonewall
  • stymie
  • subvert
  • suppress
  • swindle
  • threaten
  • thwart
  • torpedo
  • trick
  • undercut
  • urge
  • victimize
  • weaken
  • wreck

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