
The word “obliged” has 2 syllables: o-bliged.

It's pronounced as /əˈblaɪdʒd/.

What is synonym and antonym for obliged?

In the thesaurus, “obliged” has 20 synonyms and 18 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for obliged along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for obliged

  • accommodated
  • appeased
  • appreciative
  • assisted
  • coerced
  • compelled
  • delighted
  • duty-bound
  • enslaved
  • favored
  • forced
  • glad
  • grateful
  • helped
  • indebted
  • indulged
  • obligated
  • pleased
  • satisfied
  • thankful

Antonyms for obliged

  • allowed
  • bothered
  • burdened
  • disappointed
  • disobliged
  • disturbed
  • encumbered
  • failed
  • inconvenienced
  • let
  • permitted
  • rude
  • saddled
  • thankless
  • troubled
  • unappreciative
  • ungrateful
  • weighed

Meanings of obliged

  • verb
    1. To constrain someone by force or by social, moral or legal means.
    2. To do (someone) a service or favour (hence, originally, creating an obligation).
    3. To be indebted to someone.
  • adjective
    1. Under an obligation to do something for someone.
    2. Indebted because of a favor done.

Example Sentences

  • Sarah felt obliged to thank her colleague for the assistance.
  • The company was obliged to provide compensation for the inconvenience caused to its customers.
  • Despite his reluctance, John felt obliged to attend the family gathering.
  • The teacher felt obliged to intervene when she noticed bullying in the classroom.
  • As a gesture of goodwill, the restaurant owner was obliged to offer a complimentary dessert to the dissatisfied customer.

On this page you'll find 38 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to obliged, such as: accommodated, allowed, appeased, appreciative, assisted, bothered, burdened.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • accomplished
  • achieved
  • appreciated
  • assembled
  • attained
  • brought
  • built
  • calculated
  • caused
  • closed
  • coerced
  • compelled
  • comprehended
  • constructed
  • created
  • deciphered
  • did
  • earned
  • enacted
  • estimated
  • executed
  • felt
  • figured
  • forced
  • fulfilled
  • gained
  • garnered
  • generated
  • got
  • grasped
  • guessed
  • headed
  • judged
  • knew
  • landed
  • locked
  • looked
  • manufactured
  • obligated
  • obliged
  • obtained
  • passed
  • performed
  • produced
  • prompted
  • put
  • realized
  • reaped
  • recognized
  • saw
  • scored
  • secured
  • seemed
  • shut
  • spawned
  • supposed
  • understood
  • won
  • wrought


  • beholden
  • coerced
  • compelled
  • duty-bound
  • enslaved
  • forced
  • grateful
  • indebted
  • obliged


  • blackjacked
  • blackmailed
  • coerced
  • compelled
  • constrained
  • dragooned
  • drove
  • exacted
  • extorted
  • forced
  • impelled
  • impressed
  • muscled
  • obligated
  • obliged
  • pressed
  • pressured
  • sandbagged
  • squeezed
  • terrorized
  • threatened
  • wrested
  • wrung


  • bilk
  • block
  • cause
  • charge
  • coerced
  • compel
  • compelled
  • con
  • constrain
  • curb
  • cut off
  • deceive
  • defraud
  • delude
  • demand
  • discourage
  • drag
  • drive
  • dupe
  • erode
  • extort
  • fleece
  • forbid
  • forced
  • frustrate
  • gouge
  • hamper
  • hinder
  • hoodwink
  • hurt
  • impair
  • impede
  • impose
  • inflict
  • inhibit
  • interfere
  • limit
  • make
  • mislead
  • move
  • obligated
  • oblige
  • obliged
  • obscure
  • obstruct
  • order
  • outlaw
  • overcharge
  • press
  • pressure
  • pressured
  • prohibit
  • require
  • restrain
  • restrict
  • retard
  • ruin
  • sabotage
  • sap
  • stall
  • stonewall
  • stymie
  • subvert
  • suppress
  • swindle
  • threaten
  • thwart
  • torpedo
  • trick
  • undercut
  • urge
  • victimize
  • weaken
  • wreck

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