
The word “obloquy” has 3 syllables: ob-lo-quy.

It's pronounced as /ˈɒbləkwi/.

What is synonym and antonym for obloquy?

In the thesaurus, “obloquy” has 13 synonyms and 10 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for obloquy along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for obloquy

  • abuse
  • contempt
  • criticism
  • disgrace
  • humiliation
  • ignominy
  • infamy
  • insult
  • invective
  • odium
  • opprobrium
  • shame
  • vituperation

Antonyms for obloquy

  • acclaim
  • admiration
  • applause
  • commendation
  • esteem
  • fear
  • honor
  • praise
  • regard
  • respect

Meanings of obloquy

  • noun
    1. Abusive language.
    2. Disgrace.
    3. A false accusation; malevolent rumors.

Example Sentences

  • The scandal brought obloquy upon the once-respected public figure, tarnishing their reputation irreparably.
  • Despite his good intentions, his actions were met with obloquy from those who misunderstood his motives.
  • The author faced obloquy from critics who accused her of plagiarism, despite evidence to the contrary.
  • The company's decision to lay off workers led to widespread obloquy in the media, sparking public outrage.
  • In times of crisis, leaders often bear the brunt of obloquy, facing criticism for decisions made under pressure.

On this page you'll find 23 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to obloquy, such as: abuse, acclaim, admiration, applause, commendation, contempt, criticism.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Word List