
The word “obscures” has 2 syllables: ob-scures.

It's pronounced as /əbˈskjʊrz/.

What is synonym and antonym for obscures?

In the thesaurus, “obscures” has 28 synonyms and 22 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for obscures along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for obscures

  • belie
  • blackens
  • blind
  • block out
  • blur
  • blurs
  • camouflage
  • cloud
  • clouds
  • conceals
  • confuse
  • cover
  • cover up
  • covers
  • darken
  • darkens
  • dim
  • disguise
  • eclipse
  • hides
  • mask
  • misrepresent
  • muddy
  • overshadow
  • overshadows
  • shroud
  • suppresses
  • veil

Antonyms for obscures

  • bares
  • brighten
  • clarify
  • clear
  • clear up
  • discloses
  • displays
  • divulges
  • explain
  • exposes
  • illuminates
  • lay out
  • lighten
  • presents
  • reveal
  • reveals
  • shows
  • uncover
  • uncovers
  • unmask
  • unmasks
  • unveils

Meanings of obscures

  • verb
    1. To render obscure; to darken; to make dim; to keep in the dark; to hide; to make less visible, intelligible, legible, glorious, beautiful, or illustrious.
    2. To hide, put out of sight etc.
    3. To conceal oneself; to hide.

Example Sentences

  • Obscures shadows danced along the walls as the flickering candlelight waned.
  • The dense fog obscures the view of the city skyline from afar.
  • His verbose writing style often obscures the main points he's trying to convey.
  • The artist strategically obscures certain details in his paintings to evoke a sense of mystery.
  • The complexity of the subject matter sometimes obscures the underlying simplicity of the concept.

On this page you'll find 50 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to obscures, such as: bares, belie, blackens, blind, block out, blur, blurs.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words



  • black magic
  • bury
  • code
  • conceal
  • conceals
  • confidential information
  • conundrum
  • covers
  • disguise
  • enigma
  • hide
  • hides
  • hole up
  • key
  • lock up
  • masks
  • mystery
  • obscures
  • occult
  • plant
  • problem
  • puzzlement
  • question
  • riddle
  • secrecy
  • secrete
  • smuggle
  • stash
  • subtlety
  • suppresses
  • thriller
  • tuck away
  • voodoo


  • blankets
  • cloak
  • cloaks
  • conceals
  • coverings
  • covers
  • curtain
  • curtains
  • disguises
  • enclose
  • enfold
  • envelops
  • hides
  • mask
  • masks
  • obscures
  • robes
  • shroud
  • shrouds
  • wraps

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