
The word “observation” has 4 syllables: ob-ser-va-tion.

It's pronounced as /ˌɒbzərˈveɪʃən/.

What is synonym and antonym for observation?

In the thesaurus, “observation” has 29 synonyms and 13 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for observation along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for observation

  • adherence
  • attention
  • awareness
  • commentary
  • compliance
  • conclusion
  • conformity
  • consideration
  • examination
  • experience
  • finding
  • information
  • inspection
  • investigation
  • knowledge
  • measurement
  • mindfulness
  • note
  • observance
  • opinion
  • perception
  • reflection
  • remark
  • research
  • review
  • study
  • surveillance
  • thought
  • view

Antonyms for observation

  • breach
  • contravention
  • disregard
  • heedlessness
  • ignorance
  • ignoring
  • infraction
  • infringement
  • neglect
  • transgression
  • trespass
  • unobservance
  • violation

Meanings of observation

  • noun
    1. The act of observing, and the fact of being observed (see observance).
    2. The act of noting and recording some event; or the record of such noting.
    3. A remark or comment.
    4. A judgement based on observing.
    5. Performance of what is prescribed; adherence in practice; observance.
    6. A regime under which a subject is routinely observed.
    7. Philosophically as: the phenomenal presence of human being existence.

Example Sentences

  • Her keen observation skills allowed her to notice subtle changes in behavior.
  • The scientist made an important observation that led to a breakthrough in the research.
  • During the nature hike, the guide pointed out various plants and animals for observation.
  • The teacher's observation of the student's progress helped identify areas for improvement.
  • The detective's careful observation of the crime scene led to the arrest of the suspect.

On this page you'll find 42 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to observation, such as: adherence, attention, awareness, breach, commentary, compliance, conclusion.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • adherence
  • compliance
  • conformance
  • conformity
  • continuance
  • continuation
  • continuity
  • continuousness
  • observance
  • observation
  • persistence


  • adherences
  • compliances
  • conformances
  • continuances
  • continuations
  • continuities
  • observances
  • observations
  • persistences
  • survivals


  • adjusting
  • alteration
  • amends
  • analogy
  • analysis
  • arrangement
  • atonement
  • check
  • compensating
  • connection
  • contrast
  • correlation
  • equalizing
  • equating
  • examination
  • example
  • faltering
  • hesitating
  • identification
  • improvement
  • indemnity
  • investigation
  • juxtaposition
  • levelling
  • meeting
  • modification
  • observation
  • paying
  • ratio
  • readjustment
  • rectification
  • regulation
  • relation
  • remedy
  • reparation
  • reprisal
  • resemblance
  • restitution
  • retribution
  • review
  • scrutiny
  • settling
  • similarity
  • standing
  • survey
  • testing
  • verification


  • absurdity
  • advertise
  • alibi
  • annoy
  • apology
  • assume
  • babble
  • badger
  • baloney
  • bamboozle
  • banter
  • bias
  • bluff
  • boast
  • bother
  • bunk
  • chat
  • chatter
  • cheat
  • chicanery
  • circumvent
  • comment
  • communication
  • con
  • concoct
  • conference
  • consultation
  • contrive
  • conversation
  • conversational
  • counterfeit
  • cover-up
  • craziness
  • crow
  • debate
  • deceit
  • deceive
  • deception
  • defraud
  • delude
  • deride
  • dialect
  • disco
  • discussion
  • dodging
  • double
  • drivel
  • dupe
  • embezzle
  • exaggeration
  • exchange
  • fake
  • falsehood
  • farce
  • feign
  • fiction
  • fleece
  • folly
  • fool
  • foolishness
  • forgery
  • fraud
  • fudge
  • fun
  • gibberish
  • gloat
  • gossip
  • harass
  • hearing
  • hoax
  • hoodwink
  • humiliate
  • hypocrisy
  • hypocritical
  • idiocy
  • illusion
  • impersonate
  • insanity
  • invent
  • joke
  • justification
  • kid
  • lampoon
  • language
  • laugh
  • lie
  • lip
  • madness
  • meaningless
  • misguide
  • misinterpretation
  • mislead
  • misrepresent
  • misrepresentation
  • misstatement
  • misuse
  • mock
  • mockery
  • monologue
  • myth
  • needle
  • nonsense
  • nudge
  • observation
  • parody
  • pester
  • pick on
  • pretend
  • pretended
  • pretext
  • profess
  • purport
  • put on
  • questioning
  • quip
  • rationalization
  • remark
  • report
  • ridicule
  • roast
  • rob
  • rubbish
  • rumor
  • ruse
  • samba
  • scam
  • scoff
  • scorn
  • sidestep
  • silliness
  • slang
  • song and dance
  • speech
  • spiel
  • spoof
  • stupidity
  • substitute
  • subterfuge
  • swindle
  • talk
  • tango
  • tantalize
  • taunt
  • tease
  • terminology
  • torment
  • trash
  • travesty
  • trick
  • trickery
  • trump up
  • untruth
  • vernacular
  • victimize
  • visit
  • vocabulary
  • waffle
  • waltz


  • absurdity
  • advertise
  • alibi
  • annoy
  • apology
  • assume
  • babble
  • badger
  • baloney
  • bamboozle
  • banter
  • banters
  • bias
  • bluff
  • boast
  • bother
  • bunk
  • chat
  • chatter
  • cheat
  • chicanery
  • circumvent
  • comment
  • communication
  • con
  • concoct
  • conference
  • consultation
  • contrive
  • conversation
  • counterfeit
  • cover-up
  • craziness
  • crow
  • debate
  • deceit
  • deceive
  • deception
  • defraud
  • delude
  • deride
  • dialects
  • disco
  • discussion
  • dodging
  • drivel
  • dupe
  • embezzle
  • exaggeration
  • exchange
  • fake
  • falsehood
  • farce
  • feign
  • fiction
  • fleece
  • folly
  • fool
  • foolishness
  • forgery
  • fraud
  • fudge
  • gibberish
  • gloat
  • gossip
  • harass
  • hearing
  • hoax
  • hoodwink
  • humiliate
  • hypocrisy
  • idiocy
  • idioms
  • illusion
  • impersonate
  • insanity
  • invent
  • jokes
  • justification
  • kids
  • lampoon
  • languages
  • laugh
  • lie
  • lingoes
  • madness
  • misguide
  • misinterpretation
  • mislead
  • misrepresent
  • misrepresentation
  • misstatement
  • misuse
  • mock
  • mockery
  • monologue
  • myth
  • needle
  • nonsense
  • nudge
  • observation
  • parody
  • pester
  • pick on
  • pretend
  • pretext
  • profess
  • purport
  • put on
  • questioning
  • quip
  • rationalization
  • remark
  • report
  • ridicule
  • rob
  • rubbish
  • rumor
  • ruse
  • samba
  • scam
  • scoff
  • scorn
  • sidestep
  • silliness
  • slangs
  • song and dance
  • speech
  • spiel
  • spoof
  • stupidity
  • substitute
  • subterfuge
  • swindle
  • talk
  • tango
  • tantalize
  • taunt
  • teases
  • terminologies
  • torment
  • trash
  • travesty
  • trick
  • trickery
  • trump up
  • untruth
  • victimize
  • visit
  • vocabularies
  • waffle
  • waltz

Word List