
The word “obstacle” has 3 syllables: ob-sta-cle.

It's pronounced as /ˈɑbstəkəl/.

What is synonym and antonym for obstacle?

In the thesaurus, “obstacle” has 14 synonyms and 14 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for obstacle along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for obstacle

  • barrier
  • difficulty
  • disincentive
  • embarrassment
  • hardship
  • hindrance
  • hitch
  • hurdle
  • impediment
  • interference
  • obstruction
  • restriction
  • snag
  • stumbling block

Antonyms for obstacle

  • advantage
  • aid
  • assistance
  • benefit
  • catalyst
  • ease
  • edge
  • help
  • impetus
  • incentive
  • opening
  • promotion
  • spur
  • stimulus

Meanings of obstacle

  • noun
    1. Something that impedes, stands in the way of, or holds up progress.

Example Sentences

  • The steep hill proved to be a significant obstacle for the hikers.
  • Financial constraints can often be a major obstacle for entrepreneurs starting a new business.
  • Lack of funding is often cited as the biggest obstacle for small businesses.
  • Overcoming self-doubt is often the biggest obstacle to achieving one's goals.
  • The team worked together to overcome every obstacle they encountered during the project.

On this page you'll find 28 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to obstacle, such as: advantage, aid, assistance, barrier, benefit, catalyst, difficulty.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words




  • barrier
  • deterrent
  • drawback
  • handicap
  • hitch
  • impediment
  • interference
  • interruption
  • jam
  • obstacle
  • snag
  • stumbling block


  • ban
  • barrier
  • block
  • constrain
  • crush
  • deterrent
  • drawback
  • enjoin
  • forbid
  • freeze
  • halt
  • handicap
  • hinder
  • hitch
  • impede
  • impediment
  • inhibit
  • interference
  • interruption
  • jams
  • muffle
  • obstacle
  • outlaw
  • preclude
  • prevent
  • proscribe
  • quash
  • quell
  • restrain
  • restrict
  • rule out
  • snag
  • snarls
  • squelch
  • stifle
  • stumbling block
  • subdue
  • subjugate
  • suppress


  • barrier
  • blockage
  • embarrassment
  • hindrance
  • hurdle
  • interference
  • obstacle

Word List