
The word “obstinate” has 3 syllables: ob-sti-nate.

It's pronounced as /ˈɒbstɪnət/.

What is synonym and antonym for obstinate?

In the thesaurus, “obstinate” has 11 synonyms and 19 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for obstinate along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for obstinate

  • adamant
  • dogmatic
  • headstrong
  • inflexible
  • intransigent
  • recalcitrant
  • steadfast
  • stubborn
  • tenacious
  • unyielding
  • willful

Antonyms for obstinate

  • accepting
  • acquiescent
  • agreeable
  • amenable
  • compliant
  • complying
  • docile
  • flexible
  • obedient
  • pliable
  • pliant
  • receptive
  • responsive
  • soft
  • submissive
  • surrendering
  • tractable
  • willing
  • yielding

Meanings of obstinate

  • adjective
    1. Stubbornly adhering to an opinion, purpose, or course, usually with implied unreasonableness; persistent.
    2. Said of inanimate things not easily subdued or removed.

Example Sentences

  • Despite her parents' efforts, the child remained obstinate about going to bed early.
  • His obstinate refusal to admit his mistake caused tension in the workplace.
  • The old dog was known for his obstinate refusal to learn new tricks.
  • The obstinate weeds in the garden seemed impervious to all efforts to remove them.
  • His obstinate adherence to tradition made him resistant to change.

On this page you'll find 30 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to obstinate, such as: accepting, acquiescent, adamant, agreeable, amenable, compliant, complying.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • bullheadedness
  • determination
  • doggedness
  • hardheadedness
  • intransigence
  • mulishness
  • obduracy
  • obstinacy
  • obstinateness
  • opinionatedness
  • persistence
  • persistency
  • pertinaciousness
  • pertinacity
  • pigheadedness
  • resolve
  • self-opinionatedness
  • self-will
  • stubbornness
  • willfulness


  • adamant
  • established
  • fixed
  • immutable
  • inelastic
  • inflexible
  • intractable
  • invariable
  • nonmalleable
  • obstinate
  • resolute
  • rigid
  • rigorous
  • steadfast
  • strict
  • stringent
  • unalterable
  • unchangeable
  • uncompromising
  • unyielding


  • balky
  • contrary
  • contumacious
  • defiant
  • demanding
  • disobedient
  • grim
  • incompliant
  • insubordinate
  • insurgent
  • intractable
  • mutinous
  • noncompliant
  • obdurate
  • obstinate
  • obstreperous
  • peevish
  • rebel
  • rebellious
  • recalcitrant
  • refractory
  • restive
  • stubborn
  • tough
  • troublesome
  • uncontrollable
  • ungovernable
  • unmanageable
  • unruly
  • untoward
  • unwilling
  • unyielding
  • wayward
  • wilful
  • willful

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