
The word “obtain” has 2 syllables: ob-tain.

It's pronounced as /əbˈteɪn/.

What is synonym and antonym for obtain?

In the thesaurus, “obtain” has 26 synonyms and 20 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for obtain along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for obtain

  • access
  • achieve
  • acquire
  • attain
  • collect
  • earn
  • gain
  • garner
  • gather
  • get
  • glean
  • have
  • make
  • pick up
  • procure
  • purchase
  • reach
  • realize
  • reap
  • receive
  • recover
  • retrieve
  • secure
  • seize
  • take
  • win

Antonyms for obtain

  • disperse
  • distribute
  • divide
  • fail
  • forfeit
  • free
  • give
  • give up
  • grant
  • let go
  • lose
  • miss
  • misunderstand
  • offer
  • pay
  • plant
  • release
  • scatter
  • spend
  • throw away

Meanings of obtain

  • verb
    1. To get hold of; to gain possession of, to procure; to acquire, in any way.
    2. To secure (that) a specific objective or state of affairs be reached.
    3. To prevail, be victorious; to succeed.
    4. To hold; to keep, possess or occupy.
    5. To exist or be the case; to hold true, be in force.

Example Sentences

  • She worked hard to obtain her degree in engineering from a prestigious university.
  • The researchers needed to obtain permission from the ethics board before starting their study.
  • He was determined to obtain the highest score on the exam to secure a scholarship.
  • The company is trying to obtain funding from investors to expand its operations.
  • To obtain accurate results, the scientists carefully followed the experimental protocol.

On this page you'll find 46 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to obtain, such as: access, achieve, acquire, attain, collect, disperse, distribute.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words





  • accept
  • admit
  • admonish
  • advise
  • anticipate
  • appoint
  • assemble
  • assign
  • attract
  • calls
  • caution
  • choose
  • cite
  • collect
  • commemorate
  • conscript
  • conscription
  • contact
  • dial
  • draft
  • dream up
  • emphasize
  • employ
  • engage
  • enlist
  • enroll
  • enter
  • envision
  • evoke
  • exact
  • gather
  • get
  • hire
  • impel
  • improve
  • join
  • learn
  • look back
  • lottery
  • marshal
  • mention
  • mobilizations
  • mobilize
  • note
  • obtain
  • organize
  • phone
  • point out
  • prepare
  • press
  • prod
  • prompt
  • raise
  • rallies
  • recall
  • recognize
  • recruit
  • register
  • relive
  • remember
  • remind
  • round up
  • select
  • selection
  • serve
  • stimulate
  • stress
  • suggest
  • summon
  • summonses
  • switch on
  • think of
  • trigger
  • turn on
  • volunteer
  • warn

called forth

  • appeal to
  • arouse
  • ask
  • assemble
  • attract
  • awaken
  • bring about
  • bring out
  • call
  • call for
  • call in
  • cause
  • conjure
  • convene
  • convince
  • direct
  • draft
  • draw
  • elicit
  • elicited
  • evoke
  • evoked
  • extort
  • extract
  • galvanize
  • gather
  • generate
  • get
  • help
  • incite
  • indicate
  • induce
  • inflame
  • inspire
  • inspired
  • instigate
  • invite
  • invoke
  • kindle
  • lead to
  • mobilize
  • motivate
  • obtain
  • persuade
  • precipitate
  • prompt
  • propel
  • provoke
  • recall
  • request
  • spur
  • stimulate
  • stir
  • subpoena
  • suggest
  • take
  • urge
  • wrest
  • wring

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