old hands

The phrase “old hands” has 2 syllables: old hands

It's pronounced as /oʊld hændz/

What is synonym and antonym for old hands?

In the thesaurus, “old hands” has 1 synonym and 13 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for old hands along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for old hands

  • veterans

Antonyms for old hands

  • apprentices
  • beginners
  • boots
  • colts
  • cubs
  • fledglings
  • freshmen
  • greenhorns
  • neophytes
  • newcomers
  • novices
  • recruits
  • rookies

Meanings of old hands

  • noun
    1. A person who is experienced at a certain activity.

Example Sentences

  • The old hands at the factory trained the new recruits with patience.
  • As old hands in the industry, they knew all the tricks of the trade.
  • The team relied on the old hands to handle difficult situations.
  • The old hands at the farm could predict the weather just by looking at the sky.
  • In times of crisis, the old hands provided valuable guidance.

On this page you'll find 14 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to old hands, such as: apprentices, beginners, boots, colts, cubs, fledglings, freshmen.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

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