
The word “painless” has 2 syllables: pain-less.

It's pronounced as /ˈpeɪnləs/.

What is synonym and antonym for painless?

In the thesaurus, “painless” has 21 synonyms and 29 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for painless along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for painless

  • accessible
  • banal
  • bland
  • cheap
  • clear
  • easy
  • effortless
  • gentle
  • innocent
  • innocuous
  • inoffensive
  • insipid
  • naive
  • nontoxic
  • obvious
  • offhand
  • powerless
  • simple
  • smooth
  • straightforward
  • uncomplicated

Antonyms for painless

  • arduous
  • bad
  • complicated
  • damaging
  • delicious
  • demanding
  • difficult
  • exacting
  • experienced
  • formidable
  • grueling
  • hard
  • harmful
  • killer
  • labored
  • laborious
  • murderous
  • obscure
  • painful
  • rough
  • severe
  • stiff
  • strenuous
  • strong
  • tasty
  • toilsome
  • tough
  • unclear
  • yummy

Meanings of painless

  • adjective
    1. Free from pain; without pain or trouble.
    2. Not difficult; easy.

Example Sentences

  • The dentist assured her that the procedure would be painless with the use of local anesthesia.
  • Transitioning to a new system was surprisingly painless thanks to the thorough training provided.
  • The medication made the recovery process relatively painless for the patient.
  • With careful planning, the move to a new apartment was quick and painless.
  • The negotiation process was painless and both parties reached a satisfactory agreement.

On this page you'll find 50 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to painless, such as: accessible, arduous, bad, banal, bland, cheap, clear.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words



  • ably
  • accurately
  • adeptly
  • adequately
  • adroitly
  • aptly
  • assiduously
  • calmly
  • carefully
  • cleanly
  • closely
  • comfortably
  • competently
  • completely
  • comprehensively
  • conscientiously
  • conveniently
  • correctly
  • deftly
  • dexterously
  • earnestly
  • easily
  • effectively
  • effortlessly
  • expertly
  • extremely
  • freely
  • fully
  • handily
  • highly
  • intensely
  • intensively
  • masterfully
  • methodically
  • meticulously
  • nicely
  • painlessly
  • painstakingly
  • precisely
  • proficiently
  • properly
  • quickly
  • readily
  • regularly
  • scrupulously
  • simply
  • skillfully
  • smoothly
  • strongly
  • successfully
  • surely
  • thoroughly
  • very
  • well
  • wholly



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