
The word “palatine” has 3 syllables: pal-a-tine

It's pronounced as /ˈpæləˌtaɪn/

What is synonym and antonym for palatine?

In the thesaurus, “palatine” has 13 synonyms and 8 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for palatine along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for palatine

  • burnous
  • cape
  • capuchin
  • empowered
  • joseph
  • mantilla
  • marvellous
  • opulent
  • palatial
  • pelerine
  • pelisse
  • sumptuous
  • superb

Antonyms for palatine

  • average
  • common
  • humble
  • lowly
  • modest
  • ordinary
  • unimpressive
  • unprepossessing

Meanings of palatine

  • noun
    1. A feudal lord (a count palatine or Pfalzgraf) or a bishop possessing palatine powers.
    2. A palace official, especially in an imperial palace; the chief minister.
    3. A county palatine, a palatinate.
    4. A resident of a palatinate.
    5. (in plural) The Roman soldiers of the imperial palace; praetorians.
    6. A type of shoulder cape for women.
    7. One of a pair of bones behind the palate.
  • adjective
    1. (chiefly as postmodifier) Designating a territory in England (and, later, other countries) whose lord had specific royal privileges, or designating a modern administrative area corresponding to such a territory.
    2. (chiefly as postmodifier) Designating a ruler or feudal lord with direct powers held from the sovereign.
    3. Pertaining to the Elector Palatine or the German Palatinate or its people.
    4. Pertaining to a palace, particularly for the Eastern and Western Roman emperors; palatial.
    5. Of or relating to the palate or to a palatine bone.

Example Sentences

  • The palatine tonsils are located at the back of the throat and help protect against infections.
  • The emperor's palatine guard was known for their loyalty and bravery in battle.
  • The palatine bone forms the posterior portion of the hard palate in the roof of the mouth.
  • The palatine chapel, with its stunning frescoes, is a highlight of the royal residence.
  • The palatine counties enjoyed special privileges and autonomy within the empire.

On this page you'll find 21 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to palatine, such as: average, burnous, cape, capuchin, common, empowered, humble.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • burnoose
  • burnous
  • cape
  • capote
  • capuchin
  • domino
  • manta
  • mantilla
  • palatine
  • pelisse
  • roquelaure
  • tippet


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