
The word “pander” has 2 syllables: pan-der.

It's pronounced as /ˈpændər/.

What is synonym and antonym for pander?

In the thesaurus, “pander” has 1 synonym.

Here are synonyms for pander along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for pander

  • pimp

Meanings of pander

  • noun
    1. A person who furthers the illicit love-affairs of others; a pimp or procurer.
    2. An offer of illicit sex with a third party.
    3. An illicit or illegal offer, usually to tempt.
    4. (by extension) One who ministers to the evil designs and passions of another.
  • verb
    1. To tempt with, to appeal or cater to (improper motivations, etc.); to assist in gratification.
    2. To offer illicit sex with a third party; to pimp.
    3. To act as a pander for (somebody).

Example Sentences

  • The politician's speeches seemed to pander to the fears and prejudices of certain groups in society.
  • Rather than offering genuine solutions, the company chose to pander to consumer trends with flashy marketing campaigns.
  • Instead of offering meaningful solutions, the politician chose to pander to the fears of the electorate.
  • It's disappointing to see artists pander to mainstream tastes instead of expressing their true creativity.
  • The comedian refused to pander to cheap laughs, preferring to challenge the audience with intelligent humor.

On this page you'll find 1 synonyms or another words to pander, such as: pimp.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

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