
The word “panicky” has 3 syllables: pan-ic-ky.

It's pronounced as /ˈpænɪki/.

What is synonym and antonym for panicky?

In the thesaurus, “panicky” has 30 synonyms and 29 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for panicky along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for panicky

  • afraid
  • aghast
  • agitated
  • alarmed
  • anxious
  • apprehensive
  • discouraged
  • disquieted
  • distressed
  • disturbed
  • fearful
  • frightened
  • horrified
  • hysteric
  • intimidated
  • jittery
  • jumpy
  • nervous
  • panic-stricken
  • panicked
  • perplexed
  • perturbed
  • scared
  • shocked
  • spooked
  • startled
  • terrified
  • timid
  • upset
  • worried

Antonyms for panicky

Meanings of panicky

  • adjective
    1. In a state of panic.

Example Sentences

  • She felt a panicky sensation as she realized she was lost in the unfamiliar neighborhood.
  • The panicky voice on the phone conveyed the urgency of the situation.
  • His panicky behavior only escalated the tension in the room during the emergency.
  • In moments of crisis, it's important to remain calm and avoid making panicky decisions.
  • The panicky crowd surged forward, trying to escape the smoke-filled room.

On this page you'll find 59 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to panicky, such as: adventuresome, adventurous, afraid, aghast, agitated, alarmed, anxious.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • anxious
  • apprehensive
  • edgy
  • excitable
  • fidgety
  • jumpy
  • nervous
  • panicky
  • restless
  • shaky
  • skittish
  • spooked
  • tense
  • troubled
  • uneasy
  • upset
  • uptight
  • worried



  • afraid
  • aghast
  • agitated
  • alarmed
  • anxious
  • apprehensive
  • disconcerted
  • disquieted
  • disturbed
  • fearful
  • frightened
  • horrified
  • hysteric
  • jittery
  • jumpy
  • nervous
  • panic-stricken
  • panicky
  • perturbed
  • scared
  • spooked
  • startled
  • terrified
  • upset
  • worried

Word List