
The word “quandaries” has 3 syllables: quan-da-ries.

It's pronounced as /ˈkwɒndəriz/.

What is synonym and antonym for quandaries?

In the thesaurus, “quandaries” has 9 synonyms and 4 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for quandaries along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for quandaries

  • difficulty
  • dilemma
  • dilemmas
  • embarrassment
  • impasse
  • plight
  • predicament
  • puzzle
  • uncertainty

Antonyms for quandaries

  • breezes
  • good fortune
  • snaps
  • solution

Meanings of quandaries

  • noun
    1. A state of not knowing what to decide; a state of difficulty or perplexity; a state of uncertainty, hesitation or puzzlement.
    2. A dilemma, a difficult decision or choice.

Example Sentences

  • The complex decision presented multiple quandaries for the committee.
  • As the deadline approached, they found themselves caught in various work-related quandaries.
  • Ethical quandaries often arise in challenging business situations.
  • Solving these mathematical quandaries requires careful analysis and problem-solving skills.
  • The detective faced numerous quandaries while trying to untangle the mystery.

On this page you'll find 13 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to quandaries, such as: breezes, difficulty, dilemma, dilemmas, embarrassment, good fortune, impasse.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words

dead ends

  • arterials
  • arteries
  • avenues
  • binds
  • blocked
  • bottlenecks
  • boulevards
  • causeways
  • ceases
  • closed
  • closes
  • concludes
  • corners
  • crossroads
  • deadlocks
  • dilemmas
  • drives
  • ends
  • expires
  • expressways
  • fixes
  • freeways
  • halts
  • high roads
  • highways
  • holes
  • jams
  • morasses
  • passes
  • pickles
  • pike
  • pikes
  • pinches
  • plights
  • predicaments
  • problems
  • quagmires
  • quandaries
  • roads
  • roadways
  • routes
  • rows
  • secondary roads
  • shunpikes
  • side roads
  • side streets
  • spots
  • stalemate
  • standstills
  • stops
  • thoroughfares
  • turnpikes

Word List