
The word “quantity” has 3 syllables: quan-ti-ty.

It's pronounced as /ˈkwɒntɪti/.

What is synonym and antonym for quantity?

In the thesaurus, “quantity” has 25 synonyms and 37 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for quantity along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for quantity

  • abundance
  • amount
  • batch
  • bulk
  • bunch
  • bundle
  • capacity
  • chunk
  • deal
  • dozen
  • length
  • load
  • loads
  • lot
  • pile
  • plenty
  • portion
  • quota
  • size
  • slew
  • sum
  • ton
  • variety
  • volume
  • wealth

Antonyms for quantity

  • ace
  • atom
  • bit
  • dab
  • dot
  • dram
  • fragment
  • glimmer
  • grain
  • granule
  • handful
  • hint
  • iota
  • mite
  • modicum
  • molecule
  • mouthful
  • ounce
  • particle
  • peanuts
  • pinch
  • pittance
  • ray
  • scrap
  • scruple
  • shade
  • shadow
  • speck
  • spot
  • sprinkle
  • sprinkling
  • strain
  • streak
  • suspicion
  • taste
  • touch
  • trace

Meanings of quantity

  • noun
    1. A fundamental, generic term used when referring to the measurement (count, amount) of a scalar, vector, number of items or to some other way of denominating the value of a collection or group of items.
    2. An indefinite amount of something.
    3. A specific measured amount.
    4. A considerable measure or amount.
    5. Property of a phenomenon, body, or substance, where the property has a magnitude that can be expressed as number and a reference.
    6. Indicates that the entire preceding expression is henceforth considered a single object.

Example Sentences

  • The farmer harvested a bountiful quantity of ripe tomatoes from his field.
  • During the sale, customers can buy a significant quantity of clothing at discounted prices.
  • The recipe calls for a precise quantity of spices to achieve the perfect flavor.
  • The construction project requires a substantial quantity of building materials for completion.
  • The store manager ordered a large quantity of new products to meet the anticipated demand.

On this page you'll find 62 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to quantity, such as: abundance, ace, amount, atom, batch, bit, bulk.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • affluence
  • bounty
  • bunch
  • chunk
  • deal
  • dozen
  • loads
  • lot
  • myriad
  • pile
  • plenty
  • plethora
  • profusion
  • prosperity
  • quantity
  • riches
  • slew
  • ton
  • wealth


  • amount
  • bigness
  • breadth
  • capacity
  • consequence
  • degree
  • dimension
  • enormity
  • enormousness
  • extent
  • hugeness
  • immensity
  • import
  • importance
  • intensity
  • measurement
  • proportion
  • quantity
  • significance
  • size
  • strength
  • vastness
  • volume
  • weight


  • amount
  • breadth
  • capacity
  • consequence
  • degree
  • dimension
  • dimensions
  • enormity
  • extent
  • immensity
  • intensity
  • measurement
  • proportion
  • quantity
  • significance
  • sizes
  • strength
  • volume
  • weight


  • backpack
  • bag
  • band
  • barrel
  • bind
  • bosom
  • bring
  • bunch
  • bundle
  • carry
  • chunk
  • circle
  • clan
  • clique
  • close
  • close-knit
  • collect
  • collection
  • community
  • cram
  • crew
  • crowd
  • deal
  • dozen
  • equipment
  • exclusive
  • familiar
  • fill
  • flock
  • fold
  • friendly
  • gang
  • gather
  • haul
  • herd
  • horde
  • inseparable
  • intimate
  • lade
  • load
  • loads
  • lot
  • lug
  • luggage
  • mob
  • network
  • package
  • packet
  • pile
  • plenty
  • plug
  • pouch
  • quantity
  • raft
  • ride
  • send
  • slew
  • squeeze
  • stack
  • store
  • stow
  • stuff
  • suitcase
  • swarm
  • thick
  • throng
  • tight
  • ton
  • tote
  • transport
  • wealth


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