
The word “quarrels” has 2 syllables: quar-rels.

It's pronounced as /ˈkwɒr.əlz/.

What is synonym and antonym for quarrels?

In the thesaurus, “quarrels” has 48 synonyms and 18 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for quarrels along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for quarrels

  • altercation
  • altercations
  • argue
  • argues
  • argument
  • arguments
  • bicker
  • bickering
  • bickers
  • brawl
  • brawls
  • break with
  • carp
  • clashes
  • complain
  • controversies
  • controversy
  • differ
  • difference
  • difference of opinion
  • disagreements
  • discord
  • dispute
  • disputes
  • dissension
  • disturbance
  • fall out
  • falling-out
  • feud
  • fights
  • fracas
  • misunderstanding
  • misunderstandings
  • row
  • ruckus
  • run-in
  • spar
  • spat
  • squabble
  • squabbles
  • strife
  • struggle
  • tangle
  • tiff
  • tiffs
  • tumult
  • vendetta
  • wrangle

Antonyms for quarrels

  • accepts
  • accord
  • agree
  • agreement
  • agrees
  • calm
  • coexists
  • concord
  • concur
  • concurrence
  • concurs
  • consents
  • harmonize
  • harmony
  • ignore
  • order
  • peace
  • quiet

Meanings of quarrels

  • noun
    1. A verbal dispute or heated argument.
    2. A ground of dispute or objection; a complaint.
    3. An earnest desire or longing.
    4. A diamond-shaped piece of coloured glass forming part of a stained glass window.
    5. A square tile; quarry tile.
    6. A bolt or arrow for a crossbow, traditionally with the head square in its cross section.
    7. A small opening in window tracery, of which the cusps etc. make the form nearly square.
    8. A four-sided cutting tool or chisel with a diamond-shaped end.
  • verb
    1. To disagree.
    2. To contend, argue fiercely, squabble.
    3. To find fault; to cavil.
    4. To argue or squabble with.

Example Sentences

  • Quarrels over parking spaces were a common occurrence in the crowded neighborhood.
  • The siblings had frequent quarrels about sharing responsibilities at home.
  • The heated quarrels among the team members hindered project progress.
  • In close friendships, occasional quarrels are inevitable but don't define the relationship.
  • The historical records documented numerous quarrels between rival factions in the ancient city.

On this page you'll find 66 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to quarrels, such as: accepts, accord, agree, agreement, agrees, altercation, altercations.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • altercation
  • altercations
  • bickers
  • brawls
  • disagreements
  • disputes
  • feuds
  • fights
  • misunderstandings
  • quarrels
  • rows
  • run-in
  • spat
  • tiff


  • altercation
  • altercations
  • bickers
  • brawls
  • disagreements
  • disputes
  • feuds
  • fights
  • misunderstandings
  • quarrels
  • rows
  • run-in
  • spat
  • tiff

falls out

  • argues
  • bickers
  • clashes
  • differ
  • fights
  • locks horns
  • mixes it up
  • proves
  • quarrel
  • quarrels
  • rows
  • spar
  • squabble


  • angry
  • annoyed
  • bilious
  • brusque
  • cantankerous
  • churlish
  • contentious
  • cranky
  • disagreeable
  • dour
  • dyspeptic
  • exasperated
  • fractious
  • gloomy
  • glum
  • grouchy
  • gruff
  • grumpy
  • hostile
  • impatient
  • irascible
  • irritable
  • melancholy
  • morose
  • mournful
  • ornery
  • perverse
  • petulant
  • prickly
  • quarrelsome
  • resentful
  • sad
  • sarcastic
  • somber
  • splenetic
  • sullen
  • surly
  • testy
  • ugly
  • whiny


  • annoy
  • argues
  • basin
  • bickers
  • bolts from the blue
  • bolts out of the blue
  • bombshells
  • bottle
  • bumps
  • can
  • clashes
  • collides
  • collisions
  • conflicts
  • creaks
  • disputes
  • disturb
  • falls out
  • fights
  • flask
  • impacts
  • irk
  • irritate
  • jolts
  • jug
  • locks horns
  • offend
  • pot
  • quarrels
  • rasps
  • rattle
  • revelations
  • rows
  • scrapes
  • scraps
  • scratches
  • shocks
  • surprises
  • thumps
  • urn
  • vase
  • vessel

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