
The word “queering” has 2 syllables: queer-ing.

It's pronounced as /ˈkwɪrɪŋ/.

What is synonym and antonym for queering?

In the thesaurus, “queering” has 93 synonyms and 69 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for queering along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for queering

  • abolish
  • annihilate
  • annul
  • avoid
  • blight
  • blighting
  • blunt
  • botch
  • botching
  • bruise
  • bungle
  • bypass
  • circumvent
  • confuse
  • conquer
  • counter
  • crush
  • curb
  • damage
  • debasing
  • debilitate
  • deceive
  • decrease
  • defeat
  • degrading
  • demeaning
  • denting
  • destroy
  • destroying
  • diminish
  • evade
  • extinguish
  • flub
  • foil
  • frustrate
  • hamstringing
  • harm
  • hinder
  • humbling
  • humiliating
  • hurt
  • impair
  • impede
  • lacerating
  • lessen
  • mangling
  • mar
  • muddle
  • mutilating
  • negate
  • obstruct
  • offset
  • oppose
  • overcome
  • overturn
  • perturbing
  • prejudice
  • prevent
  • put down
  • quash
  • quench
  • reduce
  • reverse
  • ruin
  • scar
  • shaming
  • shatter
  • sidestep
  • silence
  • skirt
  • spoil
  • stain
  • stamp out
  • stifle
  • stop
  • stymie
  • subdue
  • subvert
  • sully
  • taint
  • tarnish
  • tarnishing
  • thwart
  • tormenting
  • torturing
  • undermine
  • undermining
  • weaken
  • wipe out
  • worsen
  • wounding
  • wreck
  • wrecking

Antonyms for queering

  • abet
  • aid
  • allow
  • assist
  • build
  • build up
  • calming
  • cheering
  • clean
  • clear up
  • comforting
  • compliment
  • consoling
  • construct
  • create
  • cure
  • curing
  • develop
  • do well
  • encourage
  • encouraging
  • enlarge
  • enlighten
  • expand
  • explain
  • extend
  • face
  • facilitate
  • fix
  • fixing
  • grow
  • heal
  • healing
  • help
  • helping
  • improve
  • increase
  • invigorate
  • lose
  • meet
  • mend
  • mending
  • order
  • organize
  • patching
  • permit
  • praise
  • raise
  • rebuilding
  • reconditioning
  • reconstructing
  • rectifying
  • rehabilitating
  • release
  • relieving
  • renovating
  • repair
  • repairing
  • restore
  • revamping
  • soothing
  • start
  • strengthen
  • succeed
  • support
  • surrender
  • take on
  • uphold
  • yield

Meanings of queering

  • verb
    1. To render an endeavor or agreement ineffective or null.
    2. To puzzle.
    3. To ridicule; to banter; to rally.
    4. To spoil the effect or success of, as by ridicule; to throw a wet blanket on; to spoil.
    5. To reevaluate or reinterpret (a work) with an eye to sexual orientation and/or to gender, as by applying queer theory.

Example Sentences

  • Queering the narrative of the fairy tale allowed for diverse interpretations and perspectives.
  • The artist's work focused on queering traditional notions of beauty and desire.
  • Scholars have been queering the canon of literature to uncover marginalized voices and perspectives.
  • The workshop aimed to provide a space for queering discussions about identity and representation in media.
  • Her research explores the role of fashion in queering gender norms and expressions.

On this page you'll find 162 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to queering, such as: abet, abolish, aid, allow, annihilate, annul, assist.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Word List