
The word “quell” has 1 syllable: quell.

It's pronounced as /kwɛl/.

What is synonym and antonym for quell?

In the thesaurus, “quell” has 29 synonyms and 25 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for quell along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for quell

  • allay
  • annihilate
  • appease
  • assuage
  • conquer
  • crush
  • dumb
  • ease
  • extinguish
  • hush
  • mitigate
  • mollify
  • mute
  • overcome
  • pacify
  • put down
  • quash
  • quench
  • quiet
  • repress
  • settle
  • shush
  • silence
  • soothe
  • stamp out
  • stifle
  • still
  • subdue
  • suppress

Antonyms for quell

  • aggravate
  • agitate
  • aid
  • annoy
  • assist
  • build up
  • compliment
  • encourage
  • help
  • incite
  • increase
  • intensify
  • irritate
  • lose
  • praise
  • provoke
  • release
  • start
  • stir
  • support
  • surrender
  • upset
  • worry
  • worsen
  • yield

Meanings of quell

  • noun
    1. A subduing.
    2. A source, especially a spring.
    3. An emotion or sensation which rises suddenly.
  • verb
    1. To subdue, to put down; to silence or force (someone) to submit.
    2. To suppress, to put an end to (something); to extinguish.
    3. To kill.
    4. To be subdued or abated; to diminish.
    5. To die.

Example Sentences

  • The police worked to quell the riot before it escalated further.
  • She tried to quell her nerves before going on stage.
  • His authoritative voice helped quell the argument among the students.
  • A warm cup of tea helped quell her upset stomach.
  • The leader's speech was intended to quell fears and reassure the population.

On this page you'll find 54 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to quell, such as: aggravate, agitate, aid, allay, annihilate, annoy, appease.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • allay
  • anesthetize
  • appease
  • assuage
  • blunt
  • bolster
  • chill
  • choke
  • cloud
  • constrain
  • cool
  • curb
  • cut off
  • dampen
  • debilitate
  • demolish
  • depress
  • desensitize
  • destroy
  • diminish
  • disable
  • discourage
  • dope
  • drain
  • dull
  • ease
  • enervate
  • enthrall
  • envelop
  • exhaust
  • fascinate
  • freeze
  • gag
  • halt
  • hush
  • hypnotize
  • incapacitate
  • inhibit
  • insulate
  • knock out
  • medicate
  • mitigate
  • moderate
  • mollify
  • muffle
  • mute
  • muzzle
  • numb
  • pacify
  • poison
  • quash
  • quell
  • quiet
  • reduce
  • restrain
  • sap
  • sedate
  • silence
  • soft pedal
  • soften
  • soothe
  • squelch
  • stifle
  • stop
  • stun
  • stupefy
  • subdue
  • subside
  • suppress
  • tone down
  • undermine
  • water down
  • weaken


  • allay
  • anesthetize
  • appease
  • assuage
  • blunts
  • bolster
  • chill
  • choke
  • cloud
  • constrain
  • cool
  • curb
  • cut off
  • dampen
  • dampens
  • damps
  • debilitate
  • demolish
  • depress
  • desensitize
  • destroy
  • diminish
  • diminishes
  • disable
  • discourage
  • dope
  • drains
  • dull
  • dulls
  • ease
  • enervates
  • enthrall
  • envelop
  • exhausts
  • fascinate
  • freeze
  • gag
  • halt
  • hush
  • hypnotize
  • incapacitate
  • inhibit
  • insulate
  • knock out
  • medicate
  • mitigate
  • moderate
  • mollify
  • muffle
  • mute
  • muzzle
  • numbs
  • pacify
  • poison
  • quash
  • quell
  • quiet
  • reduces
  • restrain
  • sap
  • sedate
  • silence
  • soft pedal
  • soften
  • soothe
  • squelch
  • stifle
  • stop
  • stun
  • stupefy
  • subdue
  • subsides
  • suppress
  • tone down
  • undermine
  • undermines
  • water down
  • weaken
  • weakens


  • ban
  • barrier
  • block
  • constrain
  • crush
  • deterrent
  • drawback
  • enjoin
  • forbid
  • freeze
  • halt
  • handicap
  • hinder
  • hitch
  • impede
  • impediment
  • inhibit
  • interference
  • interruption
  • jams
  • muffle
  • obstacle
  • outlaw
  • preclude
  • prevent
  • proscribe
  • quash
  • quell
  • restrain
  • restrict
  • rule out
  • snag
  • snarls
  • squelch
  • stifle
  • stumbling block
  • subdue
  • subjugate
  • suppress


  • allay
  • ameliorate
  • appeases
  • assuage
  • conquers
  • defeats
  • dominates
  • mitigate
  • mollify
  • overcomes
  • placate
  • quell
  • repress
  • smooth over
  • soothe
  • subdues
  • subjects
  • tame


  • allay
  • ameliorate
  • appease
  • assuage
  • conquer
  • defeat
  • dominate
  • mitigate
  • mollify
  • overcome
  • placate
  • quell
  • repress
  • smooth over
  • soothe
  • subdue
  • subject
  • tame

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