
The word “quelled” has 1 syllable: quelled.

It's pronounced as /kwɛld/.

What is synonym and antonym for quelled?

In the thesaurus, “quelled” has 33 synonyms and 28 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for quelled along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for quelled

  • allay
  • annihilate
  • appease
  • assuage
  • conquer
  • crush
  • crushed
  • ease
  • extinguish
  • extinguished
  • hushed
  • mitigate
  • mollify
  • muted
  • overcome
  • pacify
  • put down
  • quashed
  • quench
  • quiet
  • quieted
  • repressed
  • settled
  • shushed
  • silence
  • silenced
  • soothe
  • stamp out
  • stifle
  • stilled
  • subdue
  • subdued
  • suppressed

Antonyms for quelled

  • aggravate
  • agitate
  • aided
  • annoy
  • assisted
  • backed
  • build up
  • compliment
  • encourage
  • help
  • helped
  • incite
  • increase
  • intensify
  • irritate
  • lose
  • praise
  • provoke
  • provoked
  • release
  • start
  • stirred
  • supported
  • surrender
  • upset
  • worry
  • worsen
  • yield

Meanings of quelled

  • verb
    1. To subdue, to put down; to silence or force (someone) to submit.
    2. To suppress, to put an end to (something); to extinguish.
    3. To kill.
    4. To be subdued or abated; to diminish.
    5. To die.

Example Sentences

  • The swift action of the firefighters quelled the blaze before it could spread further.
  • His calming words quelled the anxiety among the crowd.
  • The teacher's stern look quelled the chatter in the classroom.
  • The medication finally quelled the intense pain in her leg.
  • The principal's announcement quelled the rumors circulating among the students.

On this page you'll find 61 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to quelled, such as: aggravate, agitate, aided, allay, annihilate, annoy, appease.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • abolished
  • annul
  • canceled
  • cancelled
  • clamp down on
  • crack down on
  • crush
  • invalidate
  • overrule
  • overturned
  • put down
  • quell
  • quelled
  • repeal
  • repealed
  • repress
  • rescind
  • reverse
  • revoke
  • set aside
  • squash
  • squelch
  • subdued
  • suppress
  • suppressed
  • undo
  • vacate
  • vacated
  • veto
  • void

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