
The word “quibble” has 2 syllables: quib-ble.

It's pronounced as /ˈkwɪbəl/.

What is synonym and antonym for quibble?

In the thesaurus, “quibble” has 24 synonyms and 12 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for quibble along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for quibble

  • argue
  • bicker
  • carp
  • cavil
  • challenge
  • complain
  • demur
  • expostulation
  • fight
  • fuss
  • moan
  • nicety
  • niggle
  • nitpick
  • objection
  • protest
  • quarrel
  • remonstrance
  • spar
  • spat
  • squabble
  • stink
  • waffle
  • wrangle

Antonyms for quibble

  • accept
  • agree
  • applaud
  • applause
  • commend
  • commendation
  • compliment
  • concur
  • get along
  • plaudit
  • praise
  • recommend

Meanings of quibble

  • noun
    1. A pun.
    2. An objection or argument based on an ambiguity of wording or similar trivial circumstance; a minor complaint.
  • verb
    1. To complain or argue in a trivial or petty manner.

Example Sentences

  • I don't want to quibble over minor details, let's focus on the main issue.
  • Instead of addressing the important points, he chose to quibble about insignificant matters.
  • He tends to quibble over minor details rather than focusing on the main issue.
  • The lawyer attempted to quibble with the witness's testimony, but it remained consistent.
  • Let's not quibble about who's to blame, let's work together to fix the problem.

On this page you'll find 36 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to quibble, such as: accept, agree, applaud, applause, argue, bicker, carp.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words

face off

  • altercation
  • ask for
  • assert
  • battle
  • bickering
  • brawl
  • call for
  • claim
  • clash
  • compete
  • competition
  • conflict
  • confront
  • confrontation
  • contend
  • contest
  • controversy
  • debate
  • defy
  • demand
  • denounce
  • disagree
  • disagreement
  • dispute
  • duel
  • exchange
  • feud
  • go through
  • impose
  • insult
  • oppose
  • provoke
  • quarrel
  • quibble
  • race
  • require
  • resist
  • rivalry
  • spat
  • squabble
  • struggle
  • taunt
  • test
  • threaten
  • try
  • warfare
  • withstand

faced off

  • ask for
  • assert
  • call for
  • claim
  • competed
  • confront
  • contend
  • contended
  • defy
  • demand
  • denounce
  • disagree
  • dispute
  • go through
  • impose
  • insult
  • oppose
  • provoke
  • quarrel
  • quibble
  • raced
  • require
  • resist
  • squabble
  • taunt
  • test
  • threaten
  • try
  • withstand


  • accost
  • argue
  • ask for
  • assail
  • assert
  • attack
  • below
  • call for
  • claim
  • confront
  • contend
  • debate
  • defy
  • demand
  • denounce
  • deny
  • disagree
  • dispute
  • down
  • downward
  • encounter
  • face
  • fight
  • impose
  • meet
  • oppose
  • prevent
  • protest
  • quarrel
  • quibble
  • repel
  • require
  • resist
  • squabble
  • test
  • try

faces off

  • ask for
  • assert
  • call for
  • claim
  • competes
  • confront
  • contend
  • contends
  • defy
  • demand
  • denounce
  • disagree
  • dispute
  • go through
  • impose
  • insult
  • oppose
  • provoke
  • quarrel
  • quibble
  • races
  • require
  • resist
  • squabble
  • taunt
  • test
  • threaten
  • try
  • withstand

facing off

  • ask for
  • assert
  • call for
  • claim
  • competing
  • confront
  • contend
  • contending
  • defy
  • demand
  • denounce
  • disagree
  • dispute
  • go through
  • impose
  • insult
  • oppose
  • provoke
  • quarrel
  • quibble
  • require
  • resist
  • squabble
  • taunt
  • test
  • threaten
  • try
  • withstand

Word List