
The word “quick” has 1 syllable: quick.

It's pronounced as /kwɪk/.

What is synonym and antonym for quick?

In the thesaurus, “quick” has 52 synonyms and 57 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for quick along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for quick

  • able
  • abrupt
  • accurate
  • active
  • acute
  • agile
  • alive
  • big
  • breathing
  • brief
  • bright
  • brilliant
  • brisk
  • caught
  • clever
  • cursory
  • deft
  • effective
  • energetic
  • exceptional
  • expecting
  • expeditious
  • fast
  • gone
  • hasty
  • heart
  • hurried
  • immediate
  • instantaneous
  • intelligent
  • keen
  • live
  • mind
  • nimble
  • pregnant
  • prompt
  • quickly
  • rapid
  • rapidly
  • ready
  • responsive
  • sensitive
  • sharp
  • smart
  • soon
  • soul
  • sudden
  • swift
  • swiftly
  • vigorous
  • willing
  • wise

Antonyms for quick

  • asleep
  • bad
  • barren
  • blunt
  • brainless
  • breathless
  • clumsy
  • cold
  • crawling
  • creeping
  • dead
  • deceased
  • delayed
  • deliberate
  • delivered
  • dense
  • departed
  • dim
  • dopey
  • dragging
  • dull
  • dulled
  • dumb
  • dying
  • expired
  • fading
  • fatuous
  • idle
  • ignorant
  • impotent
  • inactive
  • inanimate
  • ineffective
  • inept
  • infertile
  • later
  • lazy
  • leisurely
  • lifeless
  • mindless
  • nonpregnant
  • obtuse
  • opaque
  • senseless
  • simple
  • slow
  • slowly
  • sluggish
  • soft
  • stupid
  • thick
  • unhurried
  • unintelligent
  • unresponsive
  • useless
  • vacuous
  • weak

Meanings of quick

  • noun
    1. Raw or sensitive flesh, especially that underneath finger and toe nails.
    2. Plants used in making a quickset hedge.
    3. The life; the mortal point; a vital part; a part susceptible to serious injury or keen feeling.
    4. Quitchgrass.
    5. A fast bowler.
  • verb
    1. To amalgamate surfaces prior to gilding or silvering by dipping them into a solution of mercury in nitric acid.
    2. To quicken.
  • adjective
    1. Moving with speed, rapidity or swiftness, or capable of doing so; rapid; fast.
    2. Occurring in a short time; happening or done rapidly.
    3. Lively, fast-thinking, witty, intelligent.
    4. Mentally agile, alert, perceptive.
    5. Of temper: easily aroused to anger; quick-tempered.
    6. Alive, living.
    7. Pregnant, especially at the stage where the foetus's movements can be felt; figuratively, alive with some emotion or feeling.
    8. Of water: flowing.
    9. Burning, flammable, fiery.
    10. Fresh; bracing; sharp; keen.
    11. (of a vein of ore) productive; not "dead" or barren.
  • adverb
    1. Quickly, in a quick manner.

Example Sentences

  • She made a quick decision to accept the job offer without hesitation.
  • The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog, illustrating agility and speed.
  • With a quick glance, he scanned the room for any signs of danger.
  • The chef prepared a quick meal using simple ingredients for dinner.
  • A quick apology can often mend relationships before they deteriorate further.

On this page you'll find 109 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to quick, such as: able, abrupt, accurate, active, acute, agile, alive.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • blunt
  • brusque
  • curt
  • gruff
  • hasty
  • hurried
  • precipitous
  • quick
  • short
  • steep
  • sudden
  • surprising
  • unanticipated
  • unceremonious
  • unexpected
  • unforeseen


  • alacrity
  • prematurity
  • quickness
  • readiness
  • willingness


  • ancient
  • beforehand
  • briefly
  • daybreak
  • directly
  • early morning
  • first
  • first blush
  • first flush of morning
  • first light
  • fresh
  • immediate
  • immediately
  • initial
  • new
  • precocious
  • prehistoric
  • premature
  • prematurely
  • previous
  • primal
  • primeval
  • primitive
  • primordial
  • promptly
  • quick
  • recent
  • recently
  • right away
  • shortly
  • soon
  • sudden
  • timely
  • too soon
  • unexpected
  • unexpectedly
  • untimely


  • abandon
  • abandonment
  • abate
  • allay
  • alleviate
  • ameliorate
  • aplomb
  • calm
  • calmness
  • comfort
  • composure
  • content
  • decline
  • decrease
  • dexterity
  • diminish
  • edge
  • efficiency
  • enthusiasm
  • expedite
  • facilitate
  • fall
  • familiarity
  • flexibility
  • fluency
  • further
  • help
  • improve
  • leisure
  • lessen
  • lift
  • loosen
  • luxury
  • mitigate
  • moderate
  • naturalness
  • nonchalance
  • poise
  • promote
  • quickness
  • reduce
  • relax
  • relaxation
  • relief
  • relieve
  • rest
  • resting
  • satisfaction
  • serenity
  • simplicity
  • simplify
  • slide
  • slip
  • soften
  • soothe
  • speed
  • subside
  • warmth


  • abate
  • allay
  • alleviates
  • alleviations
  • ameliorate
  • aplomb
  • calm
  • calmness
  • comfort
  • composure
  • content
  • decreases
  • dexterity
  • diminishes
  • edge
  • efficiency
  • expedite
  • facilitate
  • facilitates
  • falls
  • familiarity
  • flexibility
  • fluency
  • further
  • helps
  • improve
  • lessen
  • lift
  • loosen
  • loosens
  • lowers
  • luxury
  • mitigate
  • mitigates
  • moderate
  • nonchalance
  • poise
  • promote
  • quickness
  • reduces
  • relax
  • relaxation
  • releases
  • reliefs
  • relieve
  • relieves
  • satisfaction
  • serenity
  • simplicity
  • simplify
  • slide
  • slip
  • soften
  • softens
  • soothe
  • soothes
  • speed
  • subsides

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