
The word “quick-wittedness” has 4 syllables: quick-wit-ted-ness.

It's pronounced as /ˌkwɪkˈwɪtɪdnəs/.

What is synonym and antonym for quick-wittedness?

In the thesaurus, “quick-wittedness” has 26 synonyms and 30 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for quick-wittedness along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for quick-wittedness

  • ability
  • acumen
  • alertness
  • astuteness
  • braininess
  • brightness
  • brilliance
  • capability
  • capital
  • cleverness
  • ingenuity
  • insight
  • intelligence
  • inventiveness
  • judgement
  • means
  • perspicacity
  • property
  • quickness
  • reserve
  • smartness
  • source
  • support
  • system
  • talent
  • wealth

Antonyms for quick-wittedness

  • boneheadedness
  • brainlessness
  • denseness
  • density
  • doltishness
  • dopiness
  • dorkiness
  • dullness
  • dulness
  • dumbness
  • fatuity
  • foolishness
  • gormlessness
  • impotence
  • inability
  • incompetence
  • lack
  • mindlessness
  • oafishness
  • obtuseness
  • senselessness
  • simpleness
  • slowness
  • stupidity
  • stupidness
  • thickness
  • vacuity
  • weak-mindedness
  • weakness
  • witlessness

Example Sentences

  • Her quick-wittedness during the interview impressed the hiring manager.
  • The lawyer's quick-wittedness in the courtroom often gave him an edge over his opponents.
  • Quick-wittedness is a valuable trait for anyone working in fast-paced environments.
  • His quick-wittedness saved us from a potentially embarrassing situation.
  • The comedian's quick-wittedness kept the audience laughing throughout the entire show.

On this page you'll find 56 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to quick-wittedness, such as: ability, acumen, alertness, astuteness, boneheadedness, braininess, brainlessness.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Word List