
The word “quickness” has 2 syllables: quick-ness.

It's pronounced as /ˈkwɪk.nəs/.

What is synonym and antonym for quickness?

In the thesaurus, “quickness” has 6 synonyms and 7 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for quickness along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for quickness

  • acumen
  • agility
  • dexterity
  • rapidity
  • speed
  • velocity

Antonyms for quickness

  • clumsiness
  • inability
  • ineptness
  • lethargy
  • reluctance
  • slowness
  • sluggishness

Meanings of quickness

  • noun
    1. Rapidity of movement or activity; agility or dexterity.

Example Sentences

  • Her quickness in solving problems impressed her colleagues.
  • The athlete's quickness on the field made him a valuable asset to the team.
  • The quickness of her reflexes allowed her to react swiftly to the unexpected situation.
  • In competitive sports, quickness can often be the difference between winning and losing.
  • He admired the quickness of her wit, always ready with a clever remark.

On this page you'll find 13 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to quickness, such as: acumen, agility, clumsiness, dexterity, inability, ineptness, lethargy.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • alacrity
  • prematurity
  • quickness
  • readiness
  • willingness


  • abandon
  • abandonment
  • abate
  • allay
  • alleviate
  • ameliorate
  • aplomb
  • calm
  • calmness
  • comfort
  • composure
  • content
  • decline
  • decrease
  • dexterity
  • diminish
  • edge
  • efficiency
  • enthusiasm
  • expedite
  • facilitate
  • fall
  • familiarity
  • flexibility
  • fluency
  • further
  • help
  • improve
  • leisure
  • lessen
  • lift
  • loosen
  • luxury
  • mitigate
  • moderate
  • naturalness
  • nonchalance
  • poise
  • promote
  • quickness
  • reduce
  • relax
  • relaxation
  • relief
  • relieve
  • rest
  • resting
  • satisfaction
  • serenity
  • simplicity
  • simplify
  • slide
  • slip
  • soften
  • soothe
  • speed
  • subside
  • warmth


  • abate
  • allay
  • alleviates
  • alleviations
  • ameliorate
  • aplomb
  • calm
  • calmness
  • comfort
  • composure
  • content
  • decreases
  • dexterity
  • diminishes
  • edge
  • efficiency
  • expedite
  • facilitate
  • facilitates
  • falls
  • familiarity
  • flexibility
  • fluency
  • further
  • helps
  • improve
  • lessen
  • lift
  • loosen
  • loosens
  • lowers
  • luxury
  • mitigate
  • mitigates
  • moderate
  • nonchalance
  • poise
  • promote
  • quickness
  • reduces
  • relax
  • relaxation
  • releases
  • reliefs
  • relieve
  • relieves
  • satisfaction
  • serenity
  • simplicity
  • simplify
  • slide
  • slip
  • soften
  • softens
  • soothe
  • soothes
  • speed
  • subsides


  • aplomb
  • assurance
  • casualness
  • composure
  • confidence
  • dexterity
  • efficiency
  • familiarity
  • flexibility
  • fluency
  • impassivity
  • indifference
  • laid-backness
  • nonchalance
  • poise
  • quickness
  • self-assurance
  • self-assuredness
  • self-confidence
  • simplicity
  • spontaneity
  • tranquillity
  • unconcern


  • ability
  • acumen
  • alertness
  • astuteness
  • braininess
  • brightness
  • brilliance
  • capability
  • capital
  • cleverness
  • ingenuity
  • insight
  • intelligence
  • inventiveness
  • judgement
  • means
  • perspicacity
  • property
  • quickness
  • reserve
  • smartness
  • source
  • support
  • system
  • talent
  • wealth

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