
The word “quiet” has 2 syllables: qui-et.

It's pronounced as /ˈkwaɪət/.

What is synonym and antonym for quiet?

In the thesaurus, “quiet” has 63 synonyms and 82 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for quiet along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for quiet

  • allay
  • appease
  • assuage
  • calm
  • compose
  • conservative
  • cool
  • dumb
  • gentle
  • hush
  • hushed
  • low-key
  • low-keyed
  • lull
  • mild
  • modest
  • mollify
  • muffle
  • muffled
  • mute
  • muted
  • muzzle
  • pacify
  • peace
  • peaceful
  • placid
  • please
  • private
  • quieted
  • quietly
  • quietness
  • relax
  • relaxation
  • restful
  • restfulness
  • restrained
  • reticent
  • satisfy
  • secluded
  • sedate
  • serene
  • sereneness
  • serenity
  • settle
  • shush
  • shy
  • silence
  • silent
  • smooth
  • sober
  • soft
  • soften
  • soothe
  • squelch
  • stable
  • stillness
  • subdue
  • subdued
  • tranquil
  • tranquillity
  • unassuming
  • understated
  • unpretentious

Antonyms for quiet

  • act up
  • agitate
  • agitated
  • agitation
  • anger
  • angry
  • annoy
  • assured
  • blasting
  • boisterous
  • bold
  • booming
  • brave
  • bustle
  • carry on
  • clamorous
  • commotion
  • communicative
  • cut up
  • deafening
  • depress
  • disturb
  • earsplitting
  • excited
  • flamboyant
  • flashy
  • garish
  • gaudy
  • glitzy
  • harsh
  • hubbub
  • incite
  • inclement
  • irritate
  • loud
  • movably
  • noise
  • noisy
  • obvious
  • open
  • ostentatious
  • pandemonium
  • perturb
  • piercing
  • presumptuous
  • provoke
  • public
  • raucous
  • release
  • resounding
  • restless
  • ringing
  • roaring
  • rough
  • rowdy
  • sociable
  • sonorous
  • sound
  • stentorian
  • stir
  • stormy
  • swanky
  • tempestuous
  • thundering
  • thunderous
  • trouble
  • troubled
  • tumult
  • tumultuous
  • turbulent
  • turmoil
  • unquiet
  • unrest
  • unsettled
  • uproar
  • uproarious
  • upset
  • violent
  • visible
  • wild
  • woolly
  • worry

Meanings of quiet

  • noun
    1. The absence of sound; quietness.
    2. The absence of movement; stillness, tranquility.
  • verb
    1. To become quiet, silent, still, tranquil, calm.
    2. To cause someone to become quiet.
  • adjective
    1. With little or no sound; free of disturbing noise.
    2. Having little motion or activity; calm.
    3. Not busy, of low quantity.
    4. Not talking much or not talking loudly; reserved.
    5. Not showy; undemonstrative.
    6. Requiring little or no interaction.
  • interjection
    1. Be quiet.

Example Sentences

  • She enjoyed the quiet of the countryside after living in the bustling city.
  • Please keep your voices quiet in the library.
  • The baby finally fell asleep, bringing some much-needed quiet to the house.
  • Despite the chaos outside, the classroom was surprisingly quiet during the exam.
  • The quiet atmosphere of the early morning made it the perfect time for reflection.

On this page you'll find 145 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to quiet, such as: act up, agitate, agitated, agitation, allay, anger, angry.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • austere
  • calm
  • chastity
  • dark
  • declining
  • delaying
  • disapproval
  • disciplined
  • dispassionate
  • down-to-earth
  • earnest
  • fasting
  • frugality
  • hesitating
  • levelheaded
  • low-key
  • lucid
  • moderation
  • no-nonsense
  • practical
  • quiet
  • rational
  • realistic
  • reasonable
  • rebuttal
  • refusing
  • rejecting
  • rejection
  • repudiation
  • restrained
  • retraction
  • sedate
  • self-restraint
  • serene
  • serious
  • solemn
  • somber
  • staid
  • subdued
  • temporizing
  • turning down
  • veto


  • allay
  • alleviate
  • aloof
  • amiable
  • amicable
  • appease
  • assuage
  • calmness
  • collected
  • compose
  • composed
  • contain
  • cool
  • ease
  • gentle
  • harmonious
  • hushed
  • impassive
  • laid-back
  • levelheaded
  • low-key
  • lull
  • mild
  • mitigate
  • moderate
  • mollify
  • pacify
  • patience
  • peace
  • peace of mind
  • peaceful
  • peacefulness
  • placate
  • placid
  • quiet
  • quietness
  • relax
  • relaxed
  • relieve
  • restfulness
  • restrain
  • restraint
  • sedate
  • serene
  • sereneness
  • serenity
  • settle
  • silence
  • slow
  • smooth
  • soothe
  • soothing
  • steady
  • stillness
  • temperate
  • tranquil
  • tranquility
  • tranquillity
  • unflappable


  • ambiguous
  • bad
  • black
  • blackness
  • bleak
  • blue
  • brunette
  • close
  • cloudy
  • cold
  • cryptic
  • darkened
  • darkening
  • darkness
  • deep
  • depressing
  • depressive
  • desolate
  • dim
  • dingy
  • drab
  • dull
  • dusk
  • enigmatic
  • enigmatical
  • evil
  • foggy
  • gloom
  • gloomy
  • gray
  • grey
  • ignorant
  • immoral
  • lonely
  • lonesome
  • misty
  • morbid
  • murky
  • mysterious
  • mystic
  • night
  • obscure
  • ominous
  • overcast
  • quiet
  • rotten
  • secretive
  • shade
  • shadows
  • shadowy
  • silent
  • sinful
  • sinister
  • solemn
  • somber
  • swarthy
  • twilight
  • unlawful
  • vicious
  • vile
  • wicked


  • alarming
  • amazing
  • appalling
  • astonishing
  • astounding
  • awe-inspiring
  • awesome
  • awful
  • bleak
  • breathtaking
  • coercion
  • dangerous
  • demoralizing
  • depressing
  • dire
  • disappointing
  • discomfiting
  • disconcerting
  • discouraging
  • disheartening
  • dismal
  • dismaying
  • dispiriting
  • disquieting
  • distressing
  • disturbing
  • dreadful
  • dreary
  • fierce
  • frightening
  • frightful
  • frustrating
  • ghastly
  • gloomy
  • grim
  • grisly
  • harrowing
  • heartbreaking
  • hideous
  • horrendous
  • horrible
  • horrid
  • horrific
  • horrifying
  • imposing
  • inspiring
  • intimidating
  • lurid
  • macabre
  • magnificent
  • majestic
  • menacing
  • miraculous
  • morbid
  • sad
  • scary
  • shocking
  • spectacular
  • staggering
  • stunning
  • stupefying
  • sublime
  • terrible
  • terrific
  • terrifying
  • troublesome
  • troubling
  • ugly
  • unsettling
  • upsetting
  • weird
  • wonderful
  • wondrous
  • worrisome


  • afraid
  • averse
  • belated
  • bumming
  • chilling
  • crawling
  • dallying
  • delayed
  • delaying
  • delinquent
  • dillydallying
  • doubt
  • doubtful
  • dragging
  • droning
  • easy
  • equivocation
  • footling
  • gradual
  • halting
  • heavy
  • hesitancy
  • idling
  • indecision
  • indecisive
  • lackadaisical
  • lagging
  • lazing
  • lazying
  • leisurely
  • lethargic
  • lethargy
  • lingering
  • loafing
  • loath
  • lolling
  • lounging
  • messing
  • misgiving
  • mistrust
  • moderate
  • mucking
  • overdue
  • passive
  • pause
  • playing
  • poking
  • procrastination
  • qualm
  • quiet
  • relaxing
  • reluctance
  • reluctant
  • resting
  • shy
  • skeptical
  • skepticism
  • slow
  • sluggish
  • sluggishness
  • stagnant
  • stagnation
  • strolling
  • tardy
  • tentative
  • timid
  • unsure
  • unwilling
  • unwillingness
  • vacillation

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