
The word “quieted” has 3 syllables: qui-et-ed.

It's pronounced as /ˈkwaɪɪtɪd/.

What is synonym and antonym for quieted?

In the thesaurus, “quieted” has 29 synonyms and 19 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for quieted along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for quieted

  • appeased
  • calm
  • calmed
  • composed
  • confident
  • cooled
  • easygoing
  • hushed
  • levelheaded
  • lulled
  • muted
  • peaceful
  • poised
  • quiet
  • relaxed
  • reticent
  • self-assured
  • serene
  • settled
  • shushed
  • silenced
  • silent
  • soft
  • soothed
  • still
  • stilled
  • tranquil
  • unflappable
  • unruffled

Antonyms for quieted

  • acted up
  • aggravated
  • agitated
  • boisterous
  • carried on
  • clamorous
  • communicative
  • cut up
  • disturbed
  • intensified
  • nervous
  • noisy
  • perturbed
  • stirred
  • unquiet
  • uproarious
  • upset
  • vexed
  • worried

Meanings of quieted

  • verb
    1. To become quiet, silent, still, tranquil, calm.
    2. To cause someone to become quiet.

Example Sentences

  • The teacher's stern look quieted the noisy classroom.
  • As the sun set, the bustling city streets gradually quieted down.
  • His soothing voice quieted the crying baby.
  • The applause quieted as the speaker stepped onto the stage.
  • The sound of the rain quieted our anxious thoughts and lulled us to sleep.

On this page you'll find 48 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to quieted, such as: acted up, aggravated, agitated, appeased, boisterous, calm, calmed.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • afraid
  • aghast
  • agitated
  • alarmed
  • anxious
  • apprehensive
  • disconcerted
  • disquieted
  • disturbed
  • fearful
  • frightened
  • horrified
  • hysteric
  • jittery
  • jumpy
  • nervous
  • panic-stricken
  • panicky
  • perturbed
  • scared
  • spooked
  • startled
  • terrified
  • upset
  • worried


  • afraid
  • aghast
  • agitated
  • alarmed
  • anxious
  • apprehensive
  • discouraged
  • disquieted
  • distressed
  • disturbed
  • fearful
  • frightened
  • horrified
  • hysteric
  • intimidated
  • jittery
  • jumpy
  • nervous
  • panic-stricken
  • panicked
  • perplexed
  • perturbed
  • scared
  • shocked
  • spooked
  • startled
  • terrified
  • timid
  • upset
  • worried


  • allay
  • annihilate
  • appease
  • assuage
  • conquer
  • crush
  • crushed
  • ease
  • extinguish
  • extinguished
  • hushed
  • mitigate
  • mollify
  • muted
  • overcome
  • pacify
  • put down
  • quashed
  • quench
  • quiet
  • quieted
  • repressed
  • settled
  • shushed
  • silence
  • silenced
  • soothe
  • stamp out
  • stifle
  • stilled
  • subdue
  • subdued
  • suppressed


  • allay
  • appease
  • assuage
  • calm
  • compose
  • conservative
  • cool
  • dumb
  • gentle
  • hush
  • hushed
  • low-key
  • low-keyed
  • lull
  • mild
  • modest
  • mollify
  • muffle
  • muffled
  • mute
  • muted
  • muzzle
  • pacify
  • peace
  • peaceful
  • placid
  • please
  • private
  • quieted
  • quietly
  • quietness
  • relax
  • relaxation
  • restful
  • restfulness
  • restrained
  • reticent
  • satisfy
  • secluded
  • sedate
  • serene
  • sereneness
  • serenity
  • settle
  • shush
  • shy
  • silence
  • silent
  • smooth
  • sober
  • soft
  • soften
  • soothe
  • squelch
  • stable
  • stillness
  • subdue
  • subdued
  • tranquil
  • tranquillity
  • unassuming
  • understated
  • unpretentious


  • calmed
  • composed
  • hushed
  • lulled
  • muted
  • quieted
  • settled
  • shushed
  • silenced
  • soothed
  • stilled

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