
The word “quipsters” has 2 syllables: quip-sters.

It's pronounced as /ˈkwɪpstərz/.

What is synonym and antonym for quipsters?

In the thesaurus, “quipsters” has 9 synonyms.

Here are synonyms for quipsters along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for quipsters

  • banterers
  • entertainers
  • kidders
  • knockabouts
  • practical jokers
  • pranksters
  • quippers
  • teasers
  • wisecrackers

Meanings of quipsters

  • noun
    1. A person who makes quips; a joker.

Example Sentences

  • As the class clowns, they were known as the school's resident quipsters.
  • The comedy club featured a lineup of talented quipsters who kept the audience entertained all night.
  • Office meetings were never dull with the company's top quipsters exchanging witty banter.
  • At family gatherings, the siblings were the designated quipsters, always cracking jokes and making everyone laugh.
  • The online forum was filled with witty remarks from various quipsters contributing to the conversation.

On this page you'll find 9 synonyms or another words to quipsters, such as: banterers, entertainers, kidders, knockabouts, practical jokers, pranksters, quippers.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • banterers
  • entertainers
  • knockabouts
  • practical jokers
  • quipsters

Word List