
The word “quiver” has 2 syllables: quiv-er.

It's pronounced as /ˈkwɪvər/.

What is synonym and antonym for quiver?

In the thesaurus, “quiver” has 9 synonyms and 1 antonym.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for quiver along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for quiver

  • convulse
  • jerk
  • pulsate
  • shake
  • shiver
  • shudder
  • throb
  • tremble
  • vibrate

Antonyms for quiver

  • steady

Meanings of quiver

  • noun
    1. A container for arrows, crossbow bolts or darts, such as those fired from a bow, crossbow or blowgun.
    2. A ready storage location for figurative tools or weapons.
    3. The collective noun for cobras.
    4. A multidigraph.
  • adjective
    1. Nimble, active.
  • verb
    1. To shake or move with slight and tremulous motion; to tremble; to quake; to shudder; to shiver.

Example Sentences

  • She felt her heart quiver with excitement as she opened the gift.
  • The archer's quiver was filled with arrows of different sizes and types.
  • A slight quiver in his voice betrayed his nervousness during the speech.
  • The leaves on the tree began to quiver in the gentle breeze.
  • His lips formed a subtle quiver as he tried to contain his emotions.

On this page you'll find 10 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to quiver, such as: convulse, jerk, pulsate, shake, shiver, shudder, steady.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • amble
  • blare
  • blink
  • bounce
  • bound
  • bump
  • carom
  • dance
  • dart
  • darted
  • drift
  • flare
  • flash
  • flicked
  • flicker
  • fling
  • flit
  • flitted
  • flitter
  • float
  • flop
  • flow
  • flutter
  • fluttered
  • fly
  • fool around
  • gambol
  • glance
  • gleam
  • glimmer
  • glint
  • glisten
  • glitter
  • glow
  • go down
  • graze
  • hop
  • hover
  • hurtle
  • jolt
  • leap
  • linger
  • lope
  • lug
  • meander
  • poise
  • prance
  • quiver
  • ricochet
  • ride
  • romp
  • sail
  • sashay
  • scamper
  • scintillate
  • scoot
  • shimmer
  • shine
  • shiver
  • shuffled
  • skim
  • skip
  • skitter
  • slide
  • snatch
  • sparkle
  • stepped
  • stray
  • stride
  • stroll
  • strut
  • strutted
  • swagger
  • throb
  • thrust
  • tiptoe
  • tread
  • tremble
  • tug
  • twinkle
  • twitch
  • vibrate
  • waft
  • walk
  • waltzed
  • wander
  • wash
  • waver
  • whiz
  • wiggle
  • wink
  • wobble
  • wrench
  • wriggle
  • wring
  • yank
  • zip


  • blockhead
  • bounce
  • bump
  • dolt
  • dunce
  • fidgeted
  • fling
  • flop
  • fool
  • hurtle
  • idiot
  • imbecile
  • jolt
  • lug
  • lurched
  • pulled
  • quivered
  • shook
  • shuddered
  • snatch
  • squirmed
  • thrust
  • tossed
  • tug
  • twisted
  • twitch
  • twitched
  • vibrated
  • wiggle
  • wiggled
  • wrench
  • wriggle
  • wring
  • yank
  • yanked


  • blockhead
  • bounce
  • bump
  • dolt
  • dunce
  • fidgeting
  • fling
  • flop
  • fool
  • hurtle
  • idiot
  • imbecile
  • jolt
  • lug
  • lurching
  • pulling
  • quivering
  • shaking
  • shuddering
  • snatch
  • squirming
  • thrust
  • tossing
  • tug
  • tugging
  • twisting
  • twitch
  • twitching
  • vibrating
  • wiggle
  • wrench
  • wriggle
  • wring
  • yank
  • yanking


  • bastards
  • blockhead
  • bounce
  • bump
  • clowns
  • creeps
  • dogs
  • dolt
  • dunce
  • fiddles
  • fidgets
  • fling
  • flop
  • fool
  • hurtle
  • idiot
  • idiots
  • imbecile
  • jolt
  • lug
  • lurches
  • morons
  • pulls
  • quivers
  • shakes
  • shudders
  • skunk
  • skunks
  • snatch
  • squirms
  • thrust
  • tosses
  • tug
  • tugs
  • twists
  • twitch
  • twitches
  • vibrates
  • wiggle
  • wiggles
  • wrench
  • wriggle
  • wring
  • yank
  • yanks


  • fiddle
  • fidget
  • jerk
  • palpitation
  • quiver
  • shake
  • shimmy
  • shiver
  • shudder
  • squirm
  • toss
  • tremble
  • tremor
  • twist
  • twitch
  • vibrate
  • wiggle

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