
The word “raise” has 1 syllable: raise.

It's pronounced as /reɪz/.

What is synonym and antonym for raise?

In the thesaurus, “raise” has 56 synonyms and 70 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for raise along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for raise

  • accelerate
  • assemble
  • augment
  • boost
  • breed
  • build
  • cause
  • collect
  • construct
  • create
  • cultivate
  • develop
  • educate
  • elevate
  • elicit
  • encourage
  • enhance
  • erect
  • establish
  • evoke
  • expand
  • express
  • foster
  • gain
  • get
  • give
  • grow
  • heighten
  • hike
  • hoist
  • increase
  • increment
  • inspire
  • introduce
  • jump
  • lift
  • make
  • nurture
  • obtain
  • produce
  • promote
  • provide
  • provoke
  • rear
  • reinforce
  • rise
  • set
  • set up
  • state
  • strengthen
  • suggest
  • support
  • teach
  • upgrade
  • uplift
  • voice

Antonyms for raise

  • abatement
  • abuse
  • check
  • constrain
  • curb
  • decline
  • decrease
  • decrement
  • degrade
  • demolish
  • depletion
  • descend
  • destroy
  • diminish
  • diminution
  • disassemble
  • discourage
  • dismantle
  • dismember
  • dismiss
  • disregard
  • drop
  • explode
  • fall
  • flatten
  • forget
  • halt
  • hold
  • hurt
  • ignore
  • inhibit
  • kill
  • knock down
  • lessen
  • lessening
  • level
  • loss
  • lower
  • lowering
  • maltreat
  • miss
  • mistreat
  • neglect
  • overlook
  • pass over
  • pick
  • pull down
  • pulverize
  • push
  • quiet
  • raze
  • reduce
  • reduction
  • regulate
  • remove
  • restrain
  • restrict
  • ruin
  • shatter
  • shrinkage
  • silence
  • smash
  • stop
  • strike
  • suppress
  • take down
  • tame
  • tear down
  • undermine
  • weaken

Meanings of raise

  • noun
    1. An increase in wages or salary; a rise (UK).
    2. A shoulder exercise in which the arms are elevated against resistance.
    3. A shot in which the delivered stone bumps another stone forward.
    4. A bet that increases the previous bet.
    5. A cairn or pile of stones.
  • verb
    1. (physical) To cause to rise; to lift or elevate.
    2. To create, increase or develop.
    3. To establish contact with (e.g., by telephone or radio).
    4. To respond to a bet by increasing the amount required to continue in the hand.
    5. To exponentiate, to involute.
    6. (of a verb) To extract (a subject or other verb argument) out of an inner clause.
    7. (of a vowel) To produce a vowel with the tongue positioned closer to the roof of the mouth.
    8. To increase the nominal value of (a cheque, money order, etc.) by fraudulently changing the writing or printing in which the sum payable is specified.
    9. To throw (an exception).

Example Sentences

  • She decided to raise her hand to ask a question in class.
  • The company plans to raise employee salaries next year.
  • We need to raise awareness about the importance of recycling in our community.
  • The teacher encouraged students to raise their voices against injustice.
  • It's important to raise children with empathy and kindness.

On this page you'll find 126 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to raise, such as: abatement, abuse, accelerate, assemble, augment, boost, breed.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • aforementioned
  • aforesaid
  • atop
  • bliss
  • exceeding
  • foregoing
  • heaven
  • over
  • overhead
  • preceding
  • raised
  • said
  • sky
  • such
  • upward
  • upwards


  • acclaimed
  • advertised
  • announce
  • announced
  • back
  • benefit
  • bolster
  • boost
  • communicate
  • cooperate
  • disclose
  • display
  • encourage
  • endorse
  • exhibit
  • expedite
  • facilitate
  • further
  • hasten
  • help
  • introduce
  • laud
  • maintain
  • offer
  • praise
  • proclaim
  • promote
  • promoted
  • publicize
  • publicized
  • push
  • reveal
  • save
  • serve
  • sold
  • speed
  • sponsor
  • stimulate
  • support
  • tout
  • touted
  • trumpet
  • trumpeted


  • acclaiming
  • advertising
  • announce
  • announcing
  • back
  • benefit
  • bolster
  • boost
  • communicate
  • cooperate
  • disclose
  • display
  • encourage
  • endorse
  • exhibit
  • expedite
  • facilitate
  • further
  • hasten
  • help
  • introduce
  • laud
  • maintain
  • offer
  • praise
  • proclaim
  • promote
  • promoting
  • publicize
  • push
  • reveal
  • save
  • selling
  • serve
  • speed
  • sponsor
  • stimulate
  • support
  • tout
  • touting
  • trumpet
  • trumpeting


  • adjust
  • aim
  • anticipate
  • appraise
  • arrange
  • assess
  • assume
  • chart
  • compute
  • consider
  • contemplate
  • count
  • depend
  • depend on
  • design
  • determine
  • devise
  • estimate
  • evaluate
  • figure
  • forecast
  • gauge
  • go
  • guess
  • hope
  • intend
  • look
  • make
  • mean
  • measure
  • multiply
  • organize
  • plan
  • prepare
  • propose
  • reckon
  • rely
  • rely on
  • subtract
  • suppose
  • tally
  • try
  • weigh
  • work out


  • adjust
  • anticipate
  • appraise
  • arranges
  • assesses
  • assume
  • charts
  • computes
  • consider
  • contemplates
  • count
  • counts
  • depend on
  • depends
  • designs
  • determine
  • estimates
  • figures
  • forecast
  • gauge
  • goes
  • guess
  • intends
  • looks
  • makes
  • means
  • measure
  • multiply
  • organizes
  • outlines
  • plans
  • plots
  • prepares
  • proposes
  • puts
  • reckon
  • relies
  • rely on
  • subtract
  • supposes
  • tally
  • weigh
  • work out

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