
The word “rallies” has 2 syllables: ral-lies.

It's pronounced as /ˈræliz/.

What is synonym and antonym for rallies?

In the thesaurus, “rallies” has 18 synonyms and 11 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for rallies along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for rallies

  • demonstrations
  • groups
  • heals
  • improves
  • jokes
  • kids
  • marches
  • marshalls
  • marshals
  • mobilizations
  • mobilizes
  • orders
  • organizes
  • protests
  • rebounds
  • recovers
  • summons
  • teases

Antonyms for rallies

  • collapses
  • comes down
  • declines
  • degenerates
  • demobilizes
  • demobs
  • disorders
  • disorganizes
  • disrupts
  • disturbs
  • fails

Meanings of rallies

  • noun
    1. A public gathering or mass meeting that is not mainly a protest and is organized to inspire enthusiasm for a cause.
    2. A protest or demonstration for or against something, but often with speeches and often without marching, especially in North America.
    3. A sequence of strokes between serving and scoring a point.
    4. An event in which competitors drive through a series of timed special stages at intervals. The winner is the driver who completes all stages with the shortest cumulative time.
    5. A recovery after a decline in prices (said of the market, stocks, etc.).
  • verb
    1. To collect, and reduce to order, as troops dispersed or thrown into confusion; to gather again; to reunite.
    2. To come into orderly arrangement; to renew order, or united effort, as troops scattered or put to flight; to assemble; to unite.
    3. To collect one's vital powers or forces; to regain health or consciousness; to recuperate.
    4. To recover strength after a decline in prices; -- said of the market, stocks, etc.
    5. To tease; to chaff good-humouredly.

Example Sentences

  • The rallies held across the country advocated for climate action and environmental protection.
  • The political candidate attended several campaign rallies to connect with voters.
  • The student-led climate rallies gained momentum as more people joined the movement.
  • The labor union organized a series of rallies to demand better working conditions.
  • The opposition party held several political rallies across the country to garner support.

On this page you'll find 29 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to rallies, such as: collapses, comes down, declines, degenerates, demobilizes, demobs, demonstrations.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • accept
  • admit
  • admonish
  • advise
  • anticipate
  • appoint
  • assemble
  • assign
  • attract
  • calls
  • caution
  • choose
  • cite
  • collect
  • commemorate
  • conscript
  • conscription
  • contact
  • dial
  • draft
  • dream up
  • emphasize
  • employ
  • engage
  • enlist
  • enroll
  • enter
  • envision
  • evoke
  • exact
  • gather
  • get
  • hire
  • impel
  • improve
  • join
  • learn
  • look back
  • lottery
  • marshal
  • mention
  • mobilizations
  • mobilize
  • note
  • obtain
  • organize
  • phone
  • point out
  • prepare
  • press
  • prod
  • prompt
  • raise
  • rallies
  • recall
  • recognize
  • recruit
  • register
  • relive
  • remember
  • remind
  • round up
  • select
  • selection
  • serve
  • stimulate
  • stress
  • suggest
  • summon
  • summonses
  • switch on
  • think of
  • trigger
  • turn on
  • volunteer
  • warn

calls to arms


  • affiliates
  • allies
  • armies
  • band
  • bands
  • bonds
  • brigades
  • bunch
  • bunches
  • circles
  • clan
  • clans
  • clique
  • cliques
  • clubs
  • colludes
  • communities
  • companies
  • company
  • conspiracies
  • couples
  • crew
  • crews
  • crowds
  • groups
  • leagues
  • links
  • mafias
  • mobs
  • networks
  • organization
  • organizations
  • packs
  • party
  • platoons
  • rallies
  • ring
  • sides
  • squad
  • squads
  • syndicate
  • syndicates
  • team
  • teams
  • ties
  • tribe
  • troop


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