
The word “rancor” has 2 syllables: ran-cor.

It's pronounced as /ˈræŋkər/.

What is synonym and antonym for rancor?

In the thesaurus, “rancor” has 15 synonyms and 13 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for rancor along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for rancor

  • acrimony
  • animosity
  • animus
  • antagonism
  • bad blood
  • bitterness
  • enmity
  • grudge
  • harshness
  • hatred
  • hostility
  • ill will
  • malice
  • resentment
  • venom

Antonyms for rancor

  • amity
  • benevolence
  • civility
  • cordiality
  • friendliness
  • friendship
  • good will
  • hospitality
  • kindness
  • liking
  • love
  • loving
  • sympathy

Meanings of rancor

  • noun
    1. The deepest malignity or spite; deep-seated enmity or malice; inveterate hatred.

Example Sentences

  • Despite their past disagreements, there was no rancor between them when they met again.
  • The rancor between the two rival companies was evident in their aggressive advertising campaigns.
  • Years of rancor finally dissipated when they decided to forgive each other and move forward.
  • The politician's speech was filled with rancor towards his opponents, rather than focusing on policy issues.
  • The family gathering was marred by underlying rancor stemming from old grievances that hadn't been resolved.

On this page you'll find 28 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to rancor, such as: acrimony, amity, animosity, animus, antagonism, bad blood, benevolence.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • acrimony
  • alienation
  • animosity
  • animus
  • antagonism
  • antipathy
  • bad blood
  • bayonets
  • bitterness
  • bodkins
  • bolos
  • bowie knives
  • cutlasses
  • cutters
  • dirks
  • dislike
  • hatred
  • hostility
  • ill will
  • loathing
  • machetes
  • malice
  • pocketknives
  • poniards
  • rancor
  • sabres
  • sheath knives
  • stilettoes
  • stilettos
  • stylets
  • switchblades
  • swords


  • banter
  • biting
  • bitterness
  • burlesquing
  • caricaturing
  • caustic
  • contempt
  • cynicism
  • deriding
  • derision
  • imitating
  • incisive
  • irony
  • mimicking
  • mockery
  • mocking
  • mordant
  • parodying
  • rancor
  • ridicule
  • ridiculing
  • sarcastic
  • sardonic
  • satire
  • satiric
  • satirizing
  • scorn
  • spoofing


  • acrimoniously
  • antagonistically
  • bitterly
  • caustically
  • contemptuously
  • cruelly
  • disdainfully
  • enviously
  • hatefully
  • hostilely
  • invidiously
  • jealously
  • malevolently
  • maliciously
  • malignantly
  • nastily
  • rancorously
  • resentfully
  • ruthlessly
  • scornfully
  • spitefully
  • venomously
  • viciously
  • villainously
  • vindictively
  • virulently
  • vituperatively
  • wickedly

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