
The word “ransom” has 2 syllables: ran-som

It's pronounced as /ˈræn.səm/

What is synonym and antonym for ransom?

In the thesaurus, “ransom” has 7 synonyms.

Here are synonyms for ransom along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for ransom

  • deliverance
  • recovery
  • redeem
  • redemption
  • rescue
  • salvation
  • save

Meanings of ransom

  • noun
    1. Money paid for the freeing of a hostage.
    2. The release of a captive, or of captured property, by payment of a consideration.
    3. A sum paid for the pardon of some great offence and the discharge of the offender; also, a fine paid in lieu of corporal punishment.
  • verb
    1. (14th century) To deliver, especially in context of sin or relevant penalties.
    2. To pay a price to set someone free from captivity or punishment.
    3. To exact a ransom for, or a payment on.

Example Sentences

  • The kidnapper demanded a hefty ransom for the safe return of the hostages.
  • She refused to pay the ransom, believing it would only encourage further criminal activity.
  • The movie's plot revolves around a wealthy businessman who is forced to pay a ransom to save his daughter.
  • After negotiating for hours, they finally agreed on a ransom amount with the captors.
  • The police were able to track the suspect after he tried to collect the ransom in a public place.

On this page you'll find 7 synonyms or another words to ransom, such as: deliverance, recovery, redeem, redemption, rescue, salvation, save.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words



  • delivered
  • discharged
  • emancipated
  • enfranchised
  • freed
  • liberated
  • manumitted
  • ransomed
  • redeemed
  • released
  • rescued
  • saved



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