
The word “sadden” has 2 syllables: sad-den.

It's pronounced as /ˈsædən/.

What is synonym and antonym for sadden?

In the thesaurus, “sadden” has 9 synonyms and 15 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for sadden along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for sadden

  • burden
  • depress
  • discourage
  • dishearten
  • dispirit
  • grieve
  • oppress
  • trouble
  • worry

Antonyms for sadden

  • assure
  • brighten
  • encourage
  • enliven
  • excite
  • gladden
  • hearten
  • inspire
  • inspirit
  • invigorate
  • lighten
  • reassure
  • rejoice
  • soothe
  • stimulate

Meanings of sadden

  • verb
    1. To make sad or unhappy.
    2. To become sad or unhappy.
    3. To darken a color during dyeing.
    4. To render heavy or cohesive.

Example Sentences

  • The news of the sudden loss will sadden the entire community.
  • It doesn't take much to sadden her, as she's quite sensitive.
  • The gray skies and rain seemed to sadden the mood of the gathering.
  • His failure to keep his promise will surely sadden those who trusted him.
  • The unexpected farewell will undoubtedly sadden her closest friends.

On this page you'll find 24 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to sadden, such as: assure, brighten, burden, depress, discourage, dishearten, dispirit.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • absorb
  • afflict
  • avert
  • bathe
  • beat down
  • block
  • blunted
  • bother
  • castrated
  • choked
  • damp
  • dampen
  • dampened
  • daunt
  • deadened
  • debilitate
  • deject
  • demoralize
  • deter
  • dilute
  • diminished
  • dip
  • disconcert
  • discourage
  • dishearten
  • dismay
  • disorganize
  • dispirit
  • dissuade
  • disturb
  • douse
  • doused
  • dowsed
  • drained
  • drench
  • drink
  • drown
  • dull
  • dulled
  • embarrass
  • exhausted
  • extinguished
  • flood
  • flushed
  • forestall
  • frighten
  • hinder
  • hose
  • humble
  • humiliate
  • imbue
  • immerse
  • impede
  • infuse
  • ingrain
  • intimidate
  • inundate
  • irrigate
  • lower
  • marinate
  • moisten
  • moistened
  • obstruct
  • penetrate
  • permeate
  • preclude
  • prevent
  • prohibit
  • quenched
  • reduce
  • reduced
  • restrain
  • rinse
  • rinsed
  • sadden
  • sap
  • saturate
  • scare
  • slow
  • smothered
  • soak
  • soften
  • splash
  • spray
  • sprinkle
  • steep
  • stop
  • subdued
  • submerge
  • subsided
  • suffocated
  • suffuse
  • thin
  • trouble
  • undermine
  • undermined
  • unsettle
  • upset
  • wash
  • washed
  • weaken
  • weakened
  • weigh down
  • wet
  • wetted
  • wore


  • absorb
  • afflict
  • avert
  • bathe
  • beat down
  • block
  • blunting
  • bother
  • damp
  • dampen
  • dampening
  • daunt
  • deadening
  • debilitate
  • deject
  • demoralize
  • deter
  • dilute
  • diminishing
  • dip
  • disconcert
  • discourage
  • dishearten
  • dismay
  • disorganize
  • dispirit
  • dissuade
  • disturb
  • douse
  • draining
  • drench
  • drink
  • drown
  • dull
  • dulling
  • embarrass
  • exhausting
  • flood
  • flushing
  • forestall
  • frighten
  • hinder
  • hose
  • humble
  • humiliate
  • imbue
  • immerse
  • impede
  • infuse
  • ingrain
  • intimidate
  • inundate
  • irrigate
  • lower
  • marinate
  • moisten
  • moistening
  • obstruct
  • penetrate
  • permeate
  • preclude
  • prevent
  • prohibit
  • reduce
  • reducing
  • restrain
  • rinse
  • rinsing
  • sadden
  • sap
  • saturate
  • scare
  • slow
  • soak
  • soften
  • splash
  • spray
  • sprinkle
  • steep
  • stop
  • submerge
  • subsiding
  • suffuse
  • thin
  • trouble
  • undermine
  • undermining
  • unsettle
  • upset
  • wash
  • washing
  • weaken
  • weakening
  • wearing
  • weigh down
  • wet
  • wetting


  • absorb
  • afflict
  • avert
  • bathe
  • beat down
  • bedews
  • block
  • blunts
  • bother
  • cloak
  • damp
  • dampen
  • dampens
  • daunt
  • deadens
  • debilitate
  • deject
  • demoralize
  • deter
  • dilute
  • diminishes
  • dip
  • disconcert
  • discourage
  • dishearten
  • dismay
  • disorganize
  • dispirit
  • dissuade
  • disturb
  • douse
  • drains
  • drench
  • drink
  • drown
  • dull
  • dulls
  • embarrass
  • enervates
  • exhausts
  • flood
  • flushes
  • fog
  • forestall
  • frighten
  • hinder
  • hose
  • humble
  • humidity
  • humiliate
  • imbue
  • immerse
  • impede
  • infuse
  • ingrain
  • intimidate
  • inundate
  • irrigate
  • lower
  • marinate
  • mist
  • moisten
  • moistens
  • numbs
  • obstruct
  • penetrate
  • permeate
  • perspiration
  • petrifies
  • precipitation
  • preclude
  • prevent
  • prohibit
  • rain
  • reduce
  • reduces
  • restrain
  • rinse
  • rinses
  • sadden
  • sap
  • saturate
  • scare
  • shroud
  • slow
  • soak
  • soften
  • splash
  • spray
  • sprinkle
  • steep
  • stop
  • submerge
  • subsides
  • suffuse
  • sweat
  • thin
  • trouble
  • undermine
  • undermines
  • unsettle
  • upset
  • veil
  • wash
  • washes
  • water
  • weaken
  • weakens
  • wears
  • weigh down
  • wet
  • wets


  • blasted
  • blew
  • burdened
  • buzzed
  • chased
  • concerned
  • crestfallen
  • darted
  • dejected
  • depressed
  • despondent
  • discouraged
  • disheartened
  • dismayed
  • dispirited
  • drove
  • flew
  • flung
  • gloomy
  • glum
  • hurled
  • hurried
  • jogged
  • jumped
  • morose
  • oppressed
  • pessimistic
  • raced
  • ran
  • run
  • rushed
  • saddened
  • scooted
  • scurried
  • scuttled
  • slung
  • sped
  • speeded
  • splashed
  • splattered
  • sprinted
  • stepped
  • threw
  • tortured
  • tossed
  • traveled
  • travelled
  • trotted
  • troubled
  • weighed down
  • worried
  • zipped


  • beat
  • bit
  • blasts
  • blows
  • bolt
  • bound
  • bowls
  • burdens
  • buzzes
  • chase
  • chases
  • concerns
  • dampen
  • dart
  • darts
  • depresses
  • disappoint
  • drives
  • flies
  • fling
  • flings
  • fly
  • gallop
  • gets down
  • hint
  • hurl
  • hurls
  • hurries
  • hurry
  • hurtle
  • jogs
  • jumps
  • lunge
  • oppresses
  • pinch
  • plunge
  • races
  • ruin
  • runs
  • rush
  • rushes
  • saddens
  • scamper
  • scoot
  • scoots
  • scurries
  • scurry
  • scuttles
  • shatter
  • shoot
  • skips
  • slam
  • smash
  • speeds
  • splashes
  • splatters
  • spoil
  • sprinkling
  • sprint
  • sprints
  • steps
  • tear
  • throw
  • throws
  • thwart
  • tortures
  • tosses
  • travels
  • trots
  • troubles
  • weighs down
  • worries
  • zips

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