
The word “safeguarded” has 3 syllables: safe-guard-ed.

It's pronounced as /ˈseɪfɡɑrdɪd/.

What is synonym and antonym for safeguarded?

In the thesaurus, “safeguarded” has 18 synonyms and 12 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for safeguarded along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for safeguarded

  • barricaded
  • covered
  • defended
  • freed
  • guaranteed
  • guarded
  • intact
  • preserved
  • protected
  • reinforced
  • released
  • rescued
  • secure
  • secured
  • sheltered
  • shielded
  • strengthened
  • walled

Antonyms for safeguarded

  • assailed
  • assaulted
  • attacked
  • exposed
  • indefensible
  • insecure
  • liable
  • open
  • susceptible
  • unprotected
  • untenable
  • vulnerable

Meanings of safeguarded

  • verb
    1. To protect, to keep safe.
    2. To escort safely.

Example Sentences

  • The confidential files were carefully safeguarded to protect sensitive information.
  • The ancient artifact was safeguarded in a secure museum display case.
  • The agreement included clauses that ensured the rights of workers were safeguarded throughout the negotiation process.
  • The military base safeguarded its borders to maintain national security.
  • Personal privacy is crucial, and data should be appropriately safeguarded in online transactions.

On this page you'll find 30 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to safeguarded, such as: assailed, assaulted, attacked, barricaded, covered, defended, exposed.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • celebrated
  • commemorated
  • completed
  • conducted
  • contained
  • controlled
  • curbed
  • defended
  • filled
  • fulfilled
  • governed
  • guarded
  • handled
  • held
  • maintained
  • managed
  • measured
  • met
  • operated
  • oversaw
  • preserved
  • protected
  • ran
  • regulated
  • restrained
  • retained
  • run
  • safeguarded
  • satisfied
  • shielded
  • stored
  • supervised
  • supported

Word List