
The word “sages” has 2 syllables: sa-ges.

It's pronounced as /ˈseɪdʒɪz/.

What is synonym and antonym for sages?

In the thesaurus, “sages” has 1 synonym and 24 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for sages along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for sages

  • scholars

Antonyms for sages

  • blockheads
  • dodos
  • dolts
  • donkeys
  • dopes
  • dummies
  • dunces
  • fatheads
  • fools
  • goons
  • idiots
  • ignoramuses
  • imbeciles
  • jackasses
  • morons
  • nincompoops
  • ninnies
  • nitwits
  • numbskulls
  • numskulls
  • pinheads
  • simpletons
  • stocks
  • turkeys

Meanings of sages

  • noun
    1. A wise person or spiritual teacher; someone of gravity and wisdom, especially, a teacher venerable for years, and of sound judgment and prudence; a grave or stoic philosopher.

Example Sentences

  • The library shelves were filled with ancient texts written by wise sages.
  • Through the ages, various cultures have revered their spiritual sages.
  • The village sought guidance from the local sages during times of hardship.
  • The council gathered to hear the insights of the community's esteemed sages.
  • In folklore, mythical sages were often depicted as sources of profound wisdom.

On this page you'll find 25 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to sages, such as: blockheads, dodos, dolts, donkeys, dopes, dummies, dunces.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • messages
  • toll calls


  • abandons
  • aborts
  • address
  • announce
  • appeal
  • appoint
  • ask
  • asks
  • barks
  • calculates
  • calling
  • cancels
  • charge
  • claim
  • claims
  • conclusions
  • considers
  • contact
  • counts
  • cries
  • cry
  • decisions
  • declare
  • demands
  • denominates
  • designates
  • determinations
  • dials
  • dub
  • dubs
  • entitles
  • estimates
  • figures
  • hail
  • hails
  • howls
  • inquiries
  • invitation
  • invite
  • invites
  • labels
  • makes
  • markets
  • messages
  • musters
  • name
  • names
  • nicknames
  • nominates
  • note
  • opinions
  • order
  • orders
  • phone
  • phones
  • place
  • play
  • plea
  • predict
  • predicts
  • proposal
  • put
  • puts
  • queries
  • questions
  • reads
  • reason
  • recalls
  • regards
  • request
  • requests
  • require
  • revokes
  • rights
  • roars
  • scraps
  • see
  • shouts
  • signal
  • styles
  • summon
  • summons
  • supposes
  • telephone
  • term
  • terms
  • titles
  • verdicts
  • visit
  • visitations
  • visits
  • yells


  • air
  • allow
  • appearances
  • aspect
  • birds
  • bodies
  • borders
  • challenge
  • cheek
  • clothes
  • confront
  • confronts
  • countenances
  • creatures
  • deal with
  • effects
  • encases
  • encounter
  • encounters
  • endure
  • experience
  • expressions
  • exteriors
  • facades
  • façades
  • features
  • fight
  • finish
  • front
  • fronts
  • frowns
  • grimaces
  • guys
  • humans
  • image
  • impressions
  • individuals
  • light
  • lives
  • look
  • looks
  • mask
  • meet
  • meets
  • men
  • mouths
  • names
  • oppose
  • overlooks
  • people
  • presences
  • resemblances
  • risk
  • run into
  • scowls
  • smiles
  • suffer
  • surface
  • surfaces
  • take
  • things
  • top
  • visages
  • watch


  • ache
  • bruise
  • corruption
  • discomfort
  • exploitation
  • expulsion
  • harm
  • ill-usages
  • imprisonment
  • killing
  • maltreatment
  • maltreatments
  • massacre
  • misappropriation
  • mismanagements
  • mistreatment
  • mistreatments
  • misuse
  • murder
  • oppression
  • outrage
  • pain
  • prostitution
  • squandering
  • suffering
  • torture
  • waste


  • airmails
  • brochure
  • cards
  • direct mails
  • dispatches
  • epistles
  • handbill
  • junk mails
  • leaflet
  • letters
  • mails
  • messages
  • missives
  • postcards
  • special deliveries

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