
The word “taciturn” has 3 syllables: ta-ci-turn.

It's pronounced as /ˈtæsɪˌtɜrn/.

What is synonym and antonym for taciturn?

In the thesaurus, “taciturn” has 8 synonyms and 11 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for taciturn along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for taciturn

  • aloof
  • dour
  • dumb
  • laconic
  • reserved
  • restrained
  • reticent
  • silent

Antonyms for taciturn

  • chatty
  • communicative
  • conversational
  • garrulous
  • loquacious
  • mouthy
  • outspoken
  • talkative
  • talky
  • unreserved
  • vocal

Meanings of taciturn

  • adjective
    1. Silent; temperamentally untalkative; disinclined to speak.

Example Sentences

  • In the library, the librarian was known for being taciturn, preferring the quiet atmosphere.
  • The old man remained taciturn, seldom sharing stories of his past.
  • Despite his taciturn demeanor, he was an excellent listener and observer.
  • The teacher found it challenging to engage the taciturn student in class discussions.
  • The captain's taciturn leadership style often left the crew guessing about his thoughts.

On this page you'll find 19 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to taciturn, such as: aloof, chatty, communicative, conversational, dour, dumb, garrulous.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • clandestine
  • classified
  • confidential
  • covert
  • enigmatic
  • furtive
  • hush-hush
  • private
  • restricted
  • reticent
  • secretive
  • sneak
  • surreptitious
  • taciturn
  • undercover
  • underground


  • brief
  • brusque
  • concise
  • dumb
  • pithy
  • reserved
  • restrained
  • silent
  • summary
  • taciturn
  • terse


  • ambiguous
  • bashful
  • blew
  • buzzed
  • careful
  • cautious
  • chased
  • circumspect
  • covert
  • darted
  • dashed
  • discreet
  • drove
  • enigmatic
  • equivocal
  • evasive
  • flew
  • flicked
  • flitted
  • fluttered
  • hummed
  • hurried
  • hushed
  • judicious
  • jumped
  • mum
  • mute
  • neutral
  • raced
  • ran
  • restrained
  • reticent
  • ripped
  • run
  • rushed
  • scooted
  • scurried
  • sped
  • speeded
  • stepped
  • taciturn
  • tactful
  • traveled
  • travelled
  • trotted
  • vague
  • wary
  • whispered
  • zoomed

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