
The word “tact” has 1 syllable: tact.

It's pronounced as /tækt/.

What is synonym and antonym for tact?

In the thesaurus, “tact” has 11 synonyms and 10 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for tact along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for tact

  • common-sense
  • consideration
  • diplomacy
  • discretion
  • gallantry
  • manners
  • prudence
  • refinement
  • sensitivity
  • subtlety
  • tactfulness

Antonyms for tact

  • carelessness
  • clumsiness
  • discourtesy
  • impoliteness
  • inconsiderateness
  • inconsideration
  • indelicacy
  • insensitivity
  • tactlessness
  • thoughtlessness

Meanings of tact

  • noun
    1. The sense of touch; feeling.
    2. The stroke in beating time.
    3. Sensitive mental touch; special skill or faculty; keen perception or discernment; ready power of appreciating and doing what is required by circumstances; the ability to say the right thing.
    4. A verbal operant which is controlled by a nonverbal stimulus (such as an object, event, or property of an object) and is maintained by nonspecific social reinforcement (praise).
    5. A maneuver, or action calculated to achieve some end.
    6. A maneuver used against an enemy.
    7. A sequence of moves that limits the opponent's options and results in an immediate and tangible advantage, typically in the form of material.
  • verb
    1. To use a tact (a kind of verbal operant; see noun sense).

Example Sentences

  • He handled the sensitive situation with great tact and diplomacy.
  • In negotiations, it's essential to use tact to maintain positive relationships.
  • Her ability to speak honestly yet with tact earned her the respect of her colleagues.
  • The manager addressed the issue with employees with a careful display of tact.
  • During the interview, he demonstrated his tact by answering difficult questions gracefully.

On this page you'll find 21 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to tact, such as: carelessness, clumsiness, common-sense, consideration, diplomacy, discourtesy, discretion.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • abandon
  • abort
  • address
  • announce
  • appeal
  • appoint
  • ask
  • bark
  • calculate
  • calling
  • cancel
  • charge
  • claim
  • conclusion
  • consider
  • contact
  • count
  • cry
  • decision
  • declare
  • demand
  • denominate
  • designate
  • determination
  • dial
  • dub
  • entitle
  • estimate
  • figure
  • guess
  • hail
  • howl
  • inquiry
  • invitation
  • invite
  • label
  • make
  • market
  • message
  • muster
  • name
  • nickname
  • nominate
  • note
  • opinion
  • order
  • phone
  • place
  • play
  • plea
  • predict
  • proposal
  • put
  • query
  • question
  • read
  • reason
  • regard
  • request
  • require
  • revoke
  • right
  • roar
  • scrap
  • see
  • shout
  • signal
  • style
  • summon
  • suppose
  • telephone
  • term
  • title
  • verdict
  • view
  • visit
  • visitation
  • yell


  • accept
  • admit
  • admonish
  • advise
  • anticipate
  • appoint
  • assemble
  • assign
  • attract
  • calls
  • caution
  • choose
  • cite
  • collect
  • commemorate
  • conscript
  • conscription
  • contact
  • dial
  • draft
  • dream up
  • emphasize
  • employ
  • engage
  • enlist
  • enroll
  • enter
  • envision
  • evoke
  • exact
  • gather
  • get
  • hire
  • impel
  • improve
  • join
  • learn
  • look back
  • lottery
  • marshal
  • mention
  • mobilizations
  • mobilize
  • note
  • obtain
  • organize
  • phone
  • point out
  • prepare
  • press
  • prod
  • prompt
  • raise
  • rallies
  • recall
  • recognize
  • recruit
  • register
  • relive
  • remember
  • remind
  • round up
  • select
  • selection
  • serve
  • stimulate
  • stress
  • suggest
  • summon
  • summonses
  • switch on
  • think of
  • trigger
  • turn on
  • volunteer
  • warn


  • abandons
  • aborts
  • address
  • announce
  • appeal
  • appoint
  • ask
  • asks
  • barks
  • calculates
  • calling
  • cancels
  • charge
  • claim
  • claims
  • conclusions
  • considers
  • contact
  • counts
  • cries
  • cry
  • decisions
  • declare
  • demands
  • denominates
  • designates
  • determinations
  • dials
  • dub
  • dubs
  • entitles
  • estimates
  • figures
  • hail
  • hails
  • howls
  • inquiries
  • invitation
  • invite
  • invites
  • labels
  • makes
  • markets
  • messages
  • musters
  • name
  • names
  • nicknames
  • nominates
  • note
  • opinions
  • order
  • orders
  • phone
  • phones
  • place
  • play
  • plea
  • predict
  • predicts
  • proposal
  • put
  • puts
  • queries
  • questions
  • reads
  • reason
  • recalls
  • regards
  • request
  • requests
  • require
  • revokes
  • rights
  • roars
  • scraps
  • see
  • shouts
  • signal
  • styles
  • summon
  • summons
  • supposes
  • telephone
  • term
  • terms
  • titles
  • verdicts
  • visit
  • visitations
  • visits
  • yells

falling in with

  • abiding by
  • accommodate
  • agreeing
  • associating
  • attune
  • bear
  • being friends with
  • bonding
  • bump into
  • coinciding
  • collaborating
  • come across
  • come upon
  • comply
  • concur
  • conform
  • conforming
  • confront
  • connecting
  • contact
  • cooperate
  • coordinate
  • corresponding
  • detect
  • discover
  • encounter
  • enlist
  • enter
  • experience
  • face
  • find
  • fit
  • follow
  • following
  • greet
  • harmonize
  • hooking up
  • identify
  • integrate
  • joining
  • keeping to
  • locate
  • meet
  • messing around
  • mixing
  • notice
  • obeying
  • reconcile
  • recover
  • relating
  • run into
  • running
  • see
  • side with
  • spot
  • strike
  • suffer
  • tailor
  • taking up with
  • traveling
  • travelling
  • turn up
  • uncover
  • unearth
  • yield

falls in with

  • accommodate
  • agrees
  • associates
  • attune
  • bear
  • bonds
  • bump into
  • coincides
  • collaborates
  • come across
  • come upon
  • comply
  • concur
  • conform
  • conforms
  • confront
  • connects
  • consists
  • contact
  • cooperate
  • coordinate
  • corresponds
  • detect
  • discover
  • encounter
  • enlist
  • enter
  • experience
  • face
  • find
  • fit
  • fits
  • follow
  • follows
  • greet
  • harmonize
  • identify
  • integrate
  • joins
  • locate
  • meet
  • mixes
  • notice
  • obeys
  • reconcile
  • recover
  • run into
  • runs
  • see
  • side with
  • spot
  • strike
  • suffer
  • tailor
  • takes up with
  • travels
  • turn up
  • uncover
  • unearth
  • yield

Word List