
The word “tailed” has 1 syllable: tailed.

It's pronounced as /teɪld/.

What is synonym and antonym for tailed?

In the thesaurus, “tailed” has 5 synonyms and 2 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for tailed along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for tailed

  • chased
  • escorted
  • followed
  • pursued
  • tracked

Antonyms for tailed

  • guided
  • led

Meanings of tailed

  • verb
    1. To follow and observe surreptitiously.
    2. To hold by the end; said of a timber when it rests upon a wall or other support; with in or into.
    3. To swing with the stern in a certain direction; said of a vessel at anchor.
    4. To follow or hang to, like a tail; to be attached closely to, as that which can not be evaded.
    5. To pull or draw by the tail.
  • adjective
    1. (often in combination) Having a tail.
    2. Of certain butterflies, having one or more filamentous projections on the tornal section of each hind wing.

Example Sentences

  • The detective quietly tailed the suspect through the crowded market.
  • The curious cat tailed the elusive butterfly around the garden.
  • We tailed the hiking trail until we reached the picturesque waterfall.
  • The adventurous birdwatcher tailed the rare species to capture the perfect photograph.
  • The journalist discreetly tailed the celebrity to get an exclusive interview.

On this page you'll find 7 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to tailed, such as: chased, escorted, followed, guided, led, pursued, tracked.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • abridged
  • brief
  • condensed
  • crisp
  • curtailed
  • decreased
  • diminished
  • low
  • precise
  • shortened
  • small
  • syncopated
  • terse
  • thick
  • tiny


  • abbreviated
  • condensed
  • curtailed
  • decreased
  • deficient
  • diminished
  • fragmentary
  • inadequate
  • insufficient
  • lacking
  • partial
  • pithy
  • pocket-size
  • pocket-sized
  • portable
  • shortened
  • sketchy
  • small
  • succinct
  • terse


  • communicatory
  • comprehensive
  • copious
  • detailed
  • educating
  • educational
  • educative
  • elevating
  • elucidative
  • enlightening
  • explanatory
  • illuminating
  • informative
  • inspiring
  • inspiriting
  • instructive
  • moving
  • poignant
  • rewarding
  • touching
  • uplifting


  • complex
  • complicate
  • complicated
  • detailed
  • develop
  • evolve
  • full
  • intricate
  • proceed
  • progress
  • sophisticated
  • thorough
  • unfold


  • bought
  • distributed
  • marketed
  • peddled
  • purchased
  • retailed
  • smuggled
  • sold
  • supplied
  • vended
  • wholesaled

Word List