
The word “tailing” has 2 syllables: tail-ing.

It's pronounced as /ˈteɪlɪŋ/.

What is synonym and antonym for tailing?

In the thesaurus, “tailing” has 9 synonyms and 2 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for tailing along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for tailing

  • chasing
  • escorting
  • following
  • intelligence
  • pursuing
  • pursuit
  • tracing
  • tracking
  • trailing

Antonyms for tailing

  • guiding
  • leading

Meanings of tailing

  • verb
    1. To follow and observe surreptitiously.
    2. To hold by the end; said of a timber when it rests upon a wall or other support; with in or into.
    3. To swing with the stern in a certain direction; said of a vessel at anchor.
    4. To follow or hang to, like a tail; to be attached closely to, as that which can not be evaded.
    5. To pull or draw by the tail.
  • noun
    1. The act of following someone.
    2. The part of a projecting stone or brick inserted in a wall.
    3. Sexual intercourse.
    4. The lighter parts of grain separated from the seed by threshing and winnowing; chaff.
    5. A prolongation of current in a telegraph line, due to capacity in the line and causing signals to run together.

Example Sentences

  • The hikers saw a deer tailing behind its mother in the forest.
  • The kite soared high in the sky, its long tail gracefully tailing behind.
  • The detective spent hours tailing the suspect, trying to gather evidence.
  • The comet left a bright trail, its tailing streak visible in the night sky.
  • The lizard was tailing a bug, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

On this page you'll find 11 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to tailing, such as: chasing, escorting, following, guiding, intelligence, leading, pursuing.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words



  • cornering
  • engrossing
  • investing
  • marketing
  • monopolizing
  • peddling
  • retailing
  • selling
  • smuggling
  • speculating
  • underselling


  • achievement
  • activity
  • affair
  • approach
  • attainment
  • attempt
  • bargain
  • bargaining
  • business
  • change
  • circulation
  • commerce
  • communication
  • conduct
  • contract
  • coup
  • deal
  • delivery
  • disposal
  • dissemination
  • doing
  • economics
  • employment
  • endeavor
  • enterprise
  • event
  • exchange
  • exploit
  • handling
  • industry
  • management
  • market
  • marketing
  • method
  • negotiating
  • negotiation
  • network
  • operation
  • pass
  • piracy
  • practice
  • procedure
  • proceeding
  • process
  • retailing
  • selling
  • sharing
  • smuggling
  • strategy
  • success
  • swap
  • trade
  • trading
  • traffic
  • trafficking
  • transaction
  • transfer
  • transport
  • transportation
  • triumph
  • trouble
  • truck
  • try
  • undertaking
  • while
  • work


  • buying
  • distributing
  • marketing
  • merchandising
  • peddling
  • picking up
  • purchasing
  • retailing
  • selling
  • smuggling
  • supplying
  • vending
  • wholesaling

tagging along

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