take in

The phrase “take in” has 2 syllables: take in.

It's pronounced as /teɪk ɪn/.

What is synonym and antonym for take in?

In the thesaurus, “take in” has 12 synonyms and 12 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for take in along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for take in

  • accommodate
  • carry
  • contain
  • deceive
  • encompass
  • fool
  • have on
  • house
  • include
  • involve
  • room
  • trick

Antonyms for take in

  • disclose
  • eject
  • exclude
  • expose
  • miss out
  • omit
  • prevent
  • reveal
  • show up
  • tell
  • uncover
  • undeceive

Meanings of take in

  • verb
    1. To absorb or comprehend.
    2. To allow a person or an animal to live in one's home.
    3. To receive (goods) into one's home for the purpose of processing for a fee.
    4. To shorten (a garment) or make it smaller.
    5. To attend a showing of.
    6. To deceive; to hoodwink.
    7. To tighten (a belaying rope). (Also take up.).
    8. To subscribe to home delivery of.

Example Sentences

  • As we walked through the city, we stopped to take in the breathtaking view from the top of the hill.
  • The tour guide encouraged us to take in the history of the ancient ruins before us.
  • She needed a moment to take in the shocking news before she could respond.
  • It's important to take in feedback from others to improve our work.
  • He paused to take in the beauty of the sunset, appreciating the colors in the sky.

On this page you'll find 24 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to take in, such as: accommodate, carry, contain, deceive, disclose, eject, encompass.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • accept
  • assimilate
  • attract
  • burn
  • busy
  • consume
  • drain
  • drink
  • employ
  • endure
  • engage
  • exhaust
  • fascinate
  • follow
  • get
  • grip
  • handle
  • immerse
  • incorporate
  • ingest
  • integrate
  • interest
  • intrigue
  • involve
  • learn
  • occupy
  • reduce
  • sip
  • spend
  • stand
  • sustain
  • swallow
  • take
  • take in
  • tolerate
  • understand
  • use


  • accepts
  • assimilate
  • assimilates
  • attracts
  • burns
  • busies
  • consume
  • consumes
  • drains
  • drinks
  • employ
  • endures
  • engages
  • engrosses
  • exhausts
  • fascinates
  • follow
  • get
  • grips
  • handles
  • imbibes
  • immerses
  • incorporate
  • incorporates
  • ingest
  • integrates
  • interests
  • intrigues
  • involve
  • involves
  • learn
  • occupies
  • reduces
  • sips
  • spends
  • stands
  • sustains
  • swallow
  • swallows
  • take in
  • takes
  • tolerates
  • understand
  • uses

take account of

takes care of

  • accomplish
  • achieve
  • administer
  • aid
  • alter
  • atone
  • attain
  • attend
  • back
  • beat
  • beat up
  • benefit
  • blank
  • bludgeon
  • boost
  • bring
  • bring about
  • buy off
  • carry out
  • clobber
  • commit
  • compensate
  • complete
  • conclude
  • conduct
  • conquer
  • conserve
  • construct
  • continue
  • contribute
  • control
  • convert
  • cooperate
  • coordinate
  • corrupt
  • cradle
  • create
  • crush
  • cultivate
  • deal with
  • defeat
  • direct
  • disburse
  • dispose of
  • do
  • does for
  • dominate
  • drub
  • enact
  • encourage
  • enforce
  • entertain
  • entice
  • equip
  • establish
  • expedite
  • extend
  • facilitate
  • feed
  • finance
  • finish
  • fit
  • focus on
  • form
  • formulate
  • furnish
  • give
  • govern
  • grant
  • guard
  • guide
  • handle
  • harbor
  • hasten
  • head
  • help
  • hide
  • hoard
  • honor
  • implement
  • inspect
  • keep
  • keep an eye on
  • keeps
  • knock out
  • lacerate
  • lead
  • lodge
  • look after
  • looks after
  • looks to
  • maintain
  • manage
  • manages
  • meet
  • molest
  • mug
  • nourish
  • nurses
  • offer
  • operate
  • outclass
  • outdo
  • outshine
  • overcome
  • oversee
  • oversees
  • overwhelm
  • own
  • pamper
  • pay
  • pay off
  • perform
  • polish off
  • prepare
  • present
  • preserve
  • produce
  • promote
  • prosecute
  • protect
  • provide
  • provision
  • pull off
  • pummel
  • reach
  • realize
  • recoup
  • refine
  • refund
  • regulate
  • reimburse
  • reinforce
  • renew
  • repay
  • retain
  • reward
  • rough up
  • rout
  • run
  • safeguard
  • satiate
  • satisfy
  • score
  • seduce
  • sees after
  • sees to
  • serve
  • set up
  • settle
  • shield
  • smash
  • speed
  • spoil
  • subdue
  • supervise
  • supervises
  • supply
  • support
  • supports
  • surpass
  • surround
  • sustain
  • take in
  • take over
  • tempt
  • tends
  • terminate
  • thrash
  • tickle
  • train
  • trample
  • transform
  • treat
  • trounce
  • try
  • uphold
  • use
  • vaccinate
  • vanquish
  • wait
  • waits upon
  • watch
  • watches
  • win

taking care of

  • accomplish
  • achieve
  • administer
  • aid
  • alter
  • atone
  • attain
  • attend
  • attending
  • back
  • beat
  • beat up
  • benefit
  • blank
  • bludgeon
  • boost
  • bring
  • bring about
  • buy off
  • carry out
  • clobber
  • commit
  • compensate
  • complete
  • conclude
  • conduct
  • conquer
  • conserve
  • construct
  • continue
  • contribute
  • control
  • convert
  • cooperate
  • coordinate
  • corrupt
  • cradle
  • create
  • crush
  • cultivate
  • deal with
  • defeat
  • direct
  • disburse
  • dispose of
  • do
  • doing for
  • dominate
  • drub
  • enact
  • encourage
  • enforce
  • entertain
  • entice
  • equip
  • establish
  • expedite
  • extend
  • facilitate
  • feed
  • finance
  • finish
  • fit
  • focus on
  • form
  • formulate
  • furnish
  • give
  • govern
  • grant
  • guard
  • guide
  • handle
  • harbor
  • hasten
  • head
  • healing
  • help
  • hide
  • hoard
  • honor
  • implement
  • inspect
  • keep
  • keep an eye on
  • keeping
  • knock out
  • lacerate
  • lead
  • lodge
  • look after
  • looking after
  • looking out for
  • looking to
  • maintain
  • maintaining
  • manage
  • managing
  • meet
  • molest
  • mug
  • nourish
  • nursing
  • offer
  • operate
  • outclass
  • outdo
  • outshine
  • overcome
  • oversee
  • overseeing
  • overwhelm
  • own
  • pamper
  • pay
  • pay off
  • perform
  • polish off
  • prepare
  • present
  • preserve
  • produce
  • promote
  • prosecute
  • protect
  • provide
  • provision
  • pull off
  • pummel
  • reach
  • realize
  • recoup
  • refine
  • refund
  • regulate
  • reimburse
  • reinforce
  • renew
  • repay
  • retain
  • reward
  • rough up
  • rout
  • run
  • safeguard
  • satiate
  • satisfy
  • score
  • seduce
  • seeing to
  • serve
  • set up
  • settle
  • shield
  • smash
  • speed
  • spoil
  • subdue
  • supervise
  • supervising
  • supply
  • support
  • supporting
  • surpass
  • surround
  • sustain
  • take in
  • take over
  • tempt
  • terminate
  • thrash
  • tickle
  • train
  • trample
  • transform
  • treat
  • treating
  • trounce
  • try
  • uphold
  • use
  • vaccinate
  • vanquish
  • wait
  • waiting on
  • waiting upon
  • watch
  • watching
  • win

Word List