takes care of

The phrase “takes care of” has 3 syllables: takes care of.

It's pronounced as /teɪks kɛr ʌv/.

What is synonym and antonym for takes care of?

In the thesaurus, “takes care of” has 185 synonyms and 75 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for takes care of along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for takes care of

  • accomplish
  • achieve
  • administer
  • aid
  • alter
  • atone
  • attain
  • attend
  • back
  • beat
  • beat up
  • benefit
  • blank
  • bludgeon
  • boost
  • bring
  • bring about
  • buy off
  • carry out
  • clobber
  • commit
  • compensate
  • complete
  • conclude
  • conduct
  • conquer
  • conserve
  • construct
  • continue
  • contribute
  • control
  • convert
  • cooperate
  • coordinate
  • corrupt
  • cradle
  • create
  • crush
  • cultivate
  • deal with
  • defeat
  • direct
  • disburse
  • dispose of
  • do
  • does for
  • dominate
  • drub
  • enact
  • encourage
  • enforce
  • entertain
  • entice
  • equip
  • establish
  • expedite
  • extend
  • facilitate
  • feed
  • finance
  • finish
  • fit
  • focus on
  • form
  • formulate
  • furnish
  • give
  • govern
  • grant
  • guard
  • guide
  • handle
  • harbor
  • hasten
  • head
  • help
  • hide
  • hoard
  • honor
  • implement
  • inspect
  • keep
  • keep an eye on
  • keeps
  • knock out
  • lacerate
  • lead
  • lodge
  • look after
  • looks after
  • looks to
  • maintain
  • manage
  • manages
  • meet
  • molest
  • mug
  • nourish
  • nurses
  • offer
  • operate
  • outclass
  • outdo
  • outshine
  • overcome
  • oversee
  • oversees
  • overwhelm
  • own
  • pamper
  • pay
  • pay off
  • perform
  • polish off
  • prepare
  • present
  • preserve
  • produce
  • promote
  • prosecute
  • protect
  • provide
  • provision
  • pull off
  • pummel
  • reach
  • realize
  • recoup
  • refine
  • refund
  • regulate
  • reimburse
  • reinforce
  • renew
  • repay
  • retain
  • reward
  • rough up
  • rout
  • run
  • safeguard
  • satiate
  • satisfy
  • score
  • seduce
  • sees after
  • sees to
  • serve
  • set up
  • settle
  • shield
  • smash
  • speed
  • spoil
  • subdue
  • supervise
  • supervises
  • supply
  • support
  • supports
  • surpass
  • surround
  • sustain
  • take in
  • take over
  • tempt
  • tends
  • terminate
  • thrash
  • tickle
  • train
  • trample
  • transform
  • treat
  • trounce
  • try
  • uphold
  • use
  • vaccinate
  • vanquish
  • wait
  • waits upon
  • watch
  • watches
  • win

Antonyms for takes care of

  • abandon
  • abandons
  • begin
  • block
  • break
  • cancel
  • cannot
  • check
  • commence
  • continue
  • delay
  • deny
  • deprive
  • destroy
  • discontinue
  • discourage
  • dissatisfy
  • encourage
  • fail
  • finish
  • follow
  • forfeit
  • forget
  • give up
  • halt
  • handicap
  • harm
  • hinder
  • hold
  • hurt
  • ignore
  • ignores
  • impede
  • injure
  • inspirit
  • introduce
  • keep
  • lay bare
  • leave
  • let go
  • let out
  • lose
  • mismanage
  • miss
  • neglect
  • neglects
  • obey
  • obstruct
  • open
  • passes over
  • penalize
  • preserve
  • prevent
  • protect
  • refuse
  • release
  • remain
  • retain
  • retreat
  • ruin
  • serve
  • slow
  • start
  • starve
  • stop
  • subtract
  • surrender
  • take
  • take away
  • take back
  • uncover
  • undermine
  • withdraw
  • withhold
  • yield

Example Sentences

  • Sarah takes care of her younger siblings while her parents are at work.
  • The doctor takes care of her patients with compassion and expertise, striving to improve their health and well-being.
  • The company provides comprehensive health insurance that takes care of medical expenses for employees and their families.
  • A good manager not only delegates tasks but also takes care of their team's professional development and well-being.
  • The automated system efficiently takes care of routine administrative tasks, allowing employees to focus on more strategic initiatives.

On this page you'll find 260 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to takes care of, such as: abandon, abandons, accomplish, achieve, administer, aid, alter.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words

waits on

  • does for
  • heals
  • looks after
  • looks out for
  • looks to
  • mothers
  • nurses
  • sees to
  • serves
  • takes care of
  • treats

waits upon

  • does for
  • heals
  • looks after
  • looks out for
  • looks to
  • mothers
  • nurses
  • sees to
  • serve
  • serves
  • takes care of
  • treats
  • watch

Word List