taking a walk

The phrase “taking a walk” has 4 syllables: tak-ing a walk.

It's pronounced as /ˈteɪ.kɪŋ ə wɔk/.

What is synonym and antonym for taking a walk?

In the thesaurus, “taking a walk” has 67 synonyms and 26 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for taking a walk along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for taking a walk

  • abandon
  • abscond
  • amble
  • bailing
  • bailing out
  • beating it
  • bugging out
  • clearing off
  • clearing out
  • cutting out
  • depart
  • departing
  • desert
  • digging out
  • discard
  • discontinue
  • ditch
  • drop
  • drop out
  • dump
  • escort
  • evacuating
  • getting off
  • give up
  • go
  • going
  • going off
  • hike
  • lead
  • leave
  • lumber
  • meander
  • moving
  • parade
  • peeling off
  • plod
  • prance
  • pull out
  • pulling out
  • pushing off
  • pushing on
  • quit
  • quitting
  • race
  • reject
  • relinquish
  • renounce
  • retire
  • revolt
  • roam
  • run
  • running along
  • saunter
  • shuffle
  • step
  • stop
  • stride
  • stroll
  • strut
  • surrender
  • taking off
  • trek
  • trudge
  • vacate
  • walking out
  • wander
  • withdraw

Antonyms for taking a walk

  • advance
  • allow
  • approve
  • arriving
  • begin
  • come
  • coming
  • continue
  • enter
  • go
  • go direct
  • hold
  • join
  • keep
  • lose
  • maintain
  • obey
  • persevere
  • remain
  • remaining
  • run
  • start
  • stay
  • stop
  • support
  • tiptoe

Example Sentences

  • Taking a walk in the park helps me clear my mind after a busy day.
  • She enjoys taking a walk along the beach to relax and unwind.
  • We often see our neighbors taking a walk together in the evenings.
  • Taking a walk during lunch break boosts my energy for the afternoon.
  • The doctor recommended taking a walk every day to improve cardiovascular health.

On this page you'll find 93 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to taking a walk, such as: abandon, abscond, advance, allow, amble, approve, arriving.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words

bailing out

  • beating it
  • buggering off
  • bugging out
  • clearing off
  • clearing out
  • cutting out
  • departing
  • digging out
  • evacuating
  • exiting
  • getting
  • getting off
  • going
  • going off
  • moving
  • peeling off
  • pulling out
  • pulling up stakes
  • pushing off
  • pushing on
  • relieve
  • rescue
  • rescuing
  • running along
  • saving
  • starting
  • taking a walk
  • taking off
  • walking out

taking a powder

  • avoid
  • bailing out
  • beating it
  • bugging out
  • clearing off
  • clearing out
  • cutting out
  • depart
  • departing
  • desert
  • digging out
  • disappear
  • discard
  • discontinue
  • ditch
  • dodge
  • drop out
  • dump
  • elude
  • emerge
  • evade
  • exiting
  • flee
  • fly
  • getting
  • getting off
  • go
  • going
  • going off
  • leave
  • move
  • moving
  • pass
  • peeling off
  • progress
  • pull out
  • pulling out
  • pulling up stakes
  • pushing off
  • pushing on
  • quit
  • retire
  • run
  • running along
  • slip
  • slip away
  • stop
  • surrender
  • taking a walk
  • taking off
  • travel
  • vacate
  • vanish
  • walking out
  • withdraw

taking off

  • bailing out
  • beating it
  • bugging out
  • clearing off
  • clearing out
  • cutting out
  • deducting
  • departing
  • digging out
  • exiting
  • getting
  • getting off
  • going
  • going off
  • knocking over
  • moving
  • peeling off
  • pulling out
  • pushing off
  • pushing on
  • putting off
  • removing
  • ripping off
  • robbing
  • running along
  • subtracting
  • taking a walk
  • walking out


walking out

  • abandon
  • abdicate
  • bailing out
  • beating it
  • blockade
  • bow out
  • boycott
  • bugging out
  • clearing off
  • clearing out
  • cutting out
  • demonstrate
  • depart
  • departing
  • departure
  • digging out
  • disappear
  • drop out
  • escape
  • evacuation
  • exit
  • exiting
  • flee
  • fly
  • getting
  • getting off
  • go
  • going
  • going off
  • leave
  • move
  • moving
  • peeling off
  • protest
  • pulling out
  • pushing off
  • pushing on
  • quit
  • retire
  • running along
  • sitting in
  • start
  • starting
  • striking
  • take off
  • taking a walk
  • taking off
  • terminate
  • walking
  • withdraw

Word List