
The word “unassertive” has 4 syllables: un-as-ser-tive.

It's pronounced as /ˌʌnəˈsɜrtɪv/.

What is synonym and antonym for unassertive?

In the thesaurus, “unassertive” has 49 synonyms and 54 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for unassertive along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for unassertive

  • afraid
  • ambivalent
  • apathetic
  • apprehensive
  • bashful
  • cautious
  • circumspect
  • confused
  • coy
  • demure
  • diffident
  • discreet
  • embarrassed
  • evasive
  • fearful
  • feeble
  • frightened
  • gentle
  • hesitant
  • humble
  • indifferent
  • introverted
  • laid-back
  • meek
  • moderate
  • modest
  • nervous
  • nonviolent
  • prim
  • prudent
  • quiet
  • reluctant
  • reticent
  • satisfied
  • self-conscious
  • self-effacing
  • sheepish
  • simple
  • skittish
  • static
  • suspicious
  • timid
  • unassuming
  • unflappable
  • uninvolved
  • unobtrusive
  • unpretentious
  • wary
  • weak

Antonyms for unassertive

  • able
  • aggressive
  • assertive
  • audacious
  • bold
  • brash
  • brassy
  • brave
  • calm
  • careless
  • caring
  • cheeky
  • cocksure
  • cocky
  • complex
  • complicated
  • conceited
  • concerned
  • confident
  • courageous
  • dominant
  • eager
  • egocentric
  • egoistic
  • egotistical
  • extroverted
  • fearless
  • flaunting
  • forward
  • heedless
  • immodest
  • impertinent
  • impudent
  • incautious
  • indiscreet
  • interested
  • intricate
  • loud
  • narcissistic
  • obtrusive
  • overconfident
  • pretentious
  • proud
  • rash
  • saucy
  • smug
  • strong
  • unabashed
  • unafraid
  • unashamed
  • uncareful
  • unfearful
  • unshy
  • unworried

Meanings of unassertive

  • adjective
    1. Not assertive.

Example Sentences

  • She remained unassertive in meetings, rarely speaking up even when she had valuable ideas.
  • His unassertive demeanor often led others to overlook his talents.
  • The unassertive response from the team indicated a lack of confidence in their decision.
  • Being unassertive in negotiations can sometimes lead to being taken advantage of.
  • The unassertive nature of the employee made it difficult for them to advance in their career.

On this page you'll find 103 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to unassertive, such as: able, afraid, aggressive, ambivalent, apathetic, apprehensive, assertive.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • antisocial
  • dependable
  • embarrassed
  • prudent
  • realistic
  • reliable
  • self-conscious
  • sure
  • unassertive
  • unenterprising
  • unsociable
  • unsocial

Word List