
The word “unaware” has 3 syllables: un-a-ware.

It's pronounced as /ˌʌnəˈwɛər/.

What is synonym and antonym for unaware?

In the thesaurus, “unaware” has 10 synonyms and 16 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for unaware along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for unaware

Antonyms for unaware

  • acquainted
  • attentive
  • aware
  • careful
  • caring
  • cognizant
  • concerned
  • conscious
  • informed
  • knowing
  • leisurely
  • mindful
  • obviously
  • slowly
  • sluggishly
  • tardily

Meanings of unaware

  • adjective
    1. Not aware or informed; lacking knowledge.
    2. Not noticing; paying no heed; thoughtless; inattentive.

Example Sentences

  • She was unaware of the surprise party planned for her birthday.
  • The hikers were unaware of the approaching storm until it was upon them.
  • He remained unaware of the consequences of his actions until it was too late.
  • The child was so absorbed in the book that he was unaware of the time passing.
  • Many were unaware of the hidden dangers lurking beneath the seemingly calm surface of the lake.

On this page you'll find 26 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to unaware, such as: acquainted, attentive, aware, careful, caring, cognizant, concerned.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words



  • ambiguity
  • ambiguousness
  • black
  • blackness
  • bleakness
  • cloud
  • dark
  • despair
  • despondency
  • dusk
  • dysphoria
  • gloom
  • grimness
  • ignorance
  • melancholy
  • morbidity
  • mysteriousness
  • mystery
  • negativity
  • night
  • obscurity
  • pall
  • secrecy
  • shadows
  • twilight
  • unawareness




  • asleep
  • bed
  • casual
  • comatose
  • dazed
  • dormant
  • dozing
  • drowsing
  • forgetful
  • hasty
  • inaccurate
  • indifferent
  • indiscreet
  • irresponsible
  • lackadaisical
  • lax
  • lethargic
  • nap
  • negligent
  • nonchalant
  • reckless
  • relaxing
  • rest
  • resting
  • sleep
  • sleeping
  • sloppy
  • slumber
  • slumbering
  • snoozing
  • thoughtless
  • unaware
  • unconscious
  • vulnerable
  • wasteful

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