
The word “vanish” has 2 syllables: van-ish.

It's pronounced as /ˈvænɪʃ/.

What is synonym and antonym for vanish?

In the thesaurus, “vanish” has 7 synonyms and 4 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for vanish along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for vanish

  • die
  • die out
  • disappear
  • dissolve
  • evaporate
  • fade
  • melt

Antonyms for vanish

  • appear
  • coagulate
  • improve
  • solidify

Meanings of vanish

  • noun
    1. The brief terminal part of a vowel or vocal element, differing more or less in quality from the main part.
    2. A magic trick in which something seems to disappear.
  • verb
    1. To become invisible or to move out of view unnoticed.
    2. To become equal to zero.
    3. To disappear; to kidnap.

Example Sentences

  • The magician made the coin vanish before our eyes.
  • She watched the ship vanish into the fog on the horizon.
  • The sunlight made the dew on the grass vanish quickly.
  • As soon as the detective arrived, the suspect seemed to vanish into thin air.
  • The hope for a quick resolution began to vanish as the negotiations stalled.

On this page you'll find 11 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to vanish, such as: appear, coagulate, die, die out, disappear, dissolve, evaporate.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words



  • absolute
  • absolutely
  • all
  • asleep
  • barren
  • beaten
  • bland
  • bleak
  • boring
  • buried
  • complete
  • completely
  • crashing
  • damn
  • damned
  • deadly
  • deadness
  • death
  • deceased
  • definite
  • defunct
  • desolate
  • done
  • doomed
  • dormant
  • drained
  • dying
  • entire
  • entirely
  • even
  • exactly
  • exhausted
  • extinct
  • fallen
  • fast
  • finished
  • flat
  • fully
  • gone
  • grave
  • idle
  • impoverished
  • inoperative
  • insensitive
  • insipid
  • late
  • lifeless
  • low
  • mortal
  • mortality
  • nonfunctional
  • nonfunctioning
  • numb
  • numbed
  • off
  • out
  • outright
  • perfect
  • perfectly
  • plain
  • poor
  • pure
  • quite
  • real
  • right
  • ruined
  • sheer
  • simple
  • slow
  • spectral
  • spiritless
  • straight
  • sunk
  • tasteless
  • thin
  • thoroughly
  • tired
  • total
  • totally
  • unalive
  • unanimated
  • unconditional
  • unfeeling
  • uninteresting
  • unresponsive
  • unused
  • utter
  • utterly
  • vacant
  • vanished
  • vapid
  • very
  • waste
  • weak
  • weary
  • well
  • wholly
  • wide
  • wooden


  • abate
  • crumbled
  • declined
  • decreased
  • degenerate
  • descended
  • deteriorate
  • deteriorated
  • die down
  • die out
  • diminish
  • diminished
  • dwindle
  • ease off
  • eased
  • fall away
  • fall back
  • fell
  • lessen
  • melt
  • peter out
  • recede
  • shrink
  • slacken
  • subsided
  • vanished
  • wane
  • weaken
  • worsened


  • abating
  • collapsing
  • crumbling
  • decay
  • decaying
  • declining
  • decreasing
  • departure
  • descending
  • deteriorating
  • deterioration
  • diminishing
  • doomed
  • downturn
  • drop
  • exodus
  • fading
  • failure
  • fall
  • falling
  • loss
  • lowering
  • moribund
  • plunging
  • recession
  • removal
  • shrinking
  • sliding
  • slump
  • subsiding
  • tumbling
  • vanishing
  • waning
  • weakening
  • worsening


  • abate
  • big hair
  • bleach
  • bob
  • brighten
  • buzz cut
  • crew cut
  • crop
  • decay
  • deteriorate
  • dim
  • diminish
  • disappear
  • dissolve
  • dull
  • ebb
  • evaporate
  • fail
  • fall
  • french twist
  • go
  • lessen
  • melt
  • mohawk
  • permanent
  • peter out
  • sag
  • shag
  • shingle
  • sink
  • trim
  • upsweep
  • vanish
  • wane
  • weaken
  • wilt
  • wither

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