
The word “vary” has 2 syllables: va-ry.

It's pronounced as /ˈvɛəri/.

What is synonym and antonym for vary?

In the thesaurus, “vary” has 12 synonyms and 15 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for vary along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for vary

  • alter
  • change
  • contrast
  • differ
  • diverge
  • diversify
  • divide
  • fluctuate
  • modify
  • range
  • remodel
  • shift

Antonyms for vary

  • agree
  • compare
  • conform
  • correspond
  • disorganize
  • fix
  • hold
  • join
  • keep
  • maintain
  • match
  • remain
  • retain
  • set
  • stabilize

Meanings of vary

  • noun
    1. Alteration; change.
  • verb
    1. To change with time or a similar parameter.
    2. To institute a change in, from a current state; to modify.
    3. Not to remain constant: to change with time or a similar parameter.
    4. (of the members of a group) To display differences.
    5. To be or act different from the usual.
    6. To make of different kinds; to make different from one another; to diversity; to variegate.
    7. To embellish; to change fancifully; to present under new aspects, as of form, key, measure, etc. See variation.
    8. To disagree; to be at variance or in dissension.

Example Sentences

  • The prices of fruits vary depending on the season and availability.
  • His teaching methods vary according to the needs and abilities of his students.
  • The intensity of the workout can vary based on your fitness level and goals.
  • Their opinions on the matter vary widely, causing frequent debates.
  • Weather conditions vary greatly from one region to another, affecting travel plans.

On this page you'll find 27 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to vary, such as: agree, alter, change, compare, conform, contrast, correspond.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • aberrant
  • abnormal
  • amble
  • cruise
  • depart
  • differ
  • diverge
  • drift
  • exceptional
  • extraordinary
  • float
  • hike
  • meander
  • odd
  • outstanding
  • ramble
  • rare
  • roam
  • saunter
  • singular
  • straggle
  • stray
  • stroll
  • traipse
  • trek
  • uncommon
  • unique
  • unusual
  • vary
  • veer


  • alter
  • arced
  • arched
  • backtracked
  • bent
  • bowed
  • change
  • convert
  • countermanded
  • crooked
  • curved
  • degenerate
  • deviate
  • drift
  • fall back
  • go back
  • hark back
  • move
  • overturn
  • overturned
  • pivoted
  • react
  • regress
  • relocate
  • remove
  • retract
  • return
  • reverse
  • reverted
  • revoked
  • rounded
  • shift
  • ship
  • shuffle
  • struck down
  • swept
  • swing
  • switch
  • transfer
  • transform
  • turn
  • turn back
  • twist
  • vary
  • veer
  • wheeled


  • alter
  • arching
  • arcing
  • backtracking
  • bending
  • bowing
  • change
  • circling
  • coiling
  • convert
  • curling
  • curving
  • degenerate
  • deviate
  • drift
  • fall back
  • go back
  • hark back
  • hooking
  • looping
  • move
  • overturn
  • overturning
  • pivoting
  • react
  • regress
  • relocate
  • remove
  • retract
  • return
  • reverse
  • reverting
  • rounding
  • shift
  • ship
  • shuffle
  • sluing
  • spiraling
  • spiralling
  • striking down
  • sweeping
  • swing
  • switch
  • transfer
  • transform
  • turn
  • turn back
  • twist
  • vary
  • veer
  • wheeling


  • changing
  • inconstant
  • unstable
  • varying
  • versatile


  • area
  • arrange
  • array
  • assortment
  • class
  • classify
  • collection
  • column
  • confines
  • constitutional
  • cover
  • cruise
  • differ
  • dimension
  • distinguish
  • distribute
  • drift
  • encompass
  • extent
  • field
  • file
  • float
  • fluctuate
  • go
  • grade
  • group
  • habitat
  • home
  • kind
  • length
  • line
  • list
  • lot
  • matter
  • microwave
  • order
  • organize
  • oven
  • pasture
  • queue
  • ranch
  • rank
  • reach
  • realm
  • relegate
  • roam
  • scope
  • selection
  • separate
  • sort
  • space
  • spectrum
  • spread
  • stove
  • stretch
  • string
  • stroll
  • territory
  • train
  • type
  • variety
  • vary
  • walk
  • wander

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