
The word “vats” has 1 syllable: vats.

It's pronounced as /væts/.

What is synonym and antonym for vats?

In the thesaurus, “vats” has 6 synonyms.

Here are synonyms for vats along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for vats

  • bottles
  • bowls
  • buckets
  • containers
  • kettles
  • pitchers

Meanings of vats

  • noun
    1. A large tub, such as is used for making wine or for tanning.
    2. A square, hollow place on the back of a calcining furnace, where tin ore is laid to dry.
    3. A vessel for holding holy water.
    4. A liquid measure and dry measure; especially, a liquid measure in Belgium and Holland, corresponding to the hectolitre of the metric system, which contains 22.01 imperial gallons, or 26.4 standard gallons in the United States. (The old Dutch grain vat averaged 0.762 Winchester bushel. The old London coal vat contained 9 bushels. The solid-measurement vat of Amsterdam contains 40 cubic feet; the wine vat, 241.57 imperial gallons, and the vat for olive oil, 225.45 imperial gallons.).
  • verb
    1. To put into a vat.
    2. To blend (wines or spirits) in a vat; figuratively, to mix or blend elements as if with wines or spirits.

Example Sentences

  • In the brewery, large vats ferment the beer before it is bottled.
  • The winery stores its wine in oak vats to enhance flavor and aging.
  • The chemical plant uses stainless steel vats to mix and store various liquids.
  • The dairy farm has enormous vats for processing and pasteurizing milk.
  • The chocolate factory melts cocoa beans in large vats to create their signature recipes.

On this page you'll find 6 synonyms or another words to vats, such as: bottles, bowls, buckets, containers, kettles, pitchers.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


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  • loops
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  • pawns
  • pitchers
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  • recognizances
  • securities
  • shafts
  • tanks
  • tubs
  • vats
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