veg out

The phrase “veg out” has 2 syllables: veg out.

It's pronounced as /vɛdʒ aʊt/.

What is synonym and antonym for veg out?

In the thesaurus, “veg out” has 16 synonyms and 10 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for veg out along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for veg out

Antonyms for veg out

  • apply
  • grind
  • hustle
  • labor
  • plow
  • plug
  • slave
  • sweat
  • toil
  • work

Example Sentences

  • After a hectic week, all I want to do is veg out on the sofa with a good book.
  • They decided to veg out and watch movies all day instead of going out.
  • Sometimes it's nice to just veg out and not worry about anything.
  • He loves to veg out with his favorite snacks and video games on weekends.
  • Whenever she feels overwhelmed, she takes some time to veg out and relax.

On this page you'll find 26 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to veg out, such as: apply, bum, chill, drone, footle, grind, hang about.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • bum
  • chill
  • crawl
  • dawdle
  • delay
  • dillydally
  • drag
  • flirt
  • hang about
  • idle
  • kick back
  • laze
  • lazy
  • linger
  • loaf
  • loiter
  • loll
  • lounge
  • play
  • poke
  • relax
  • rest
  • stroll
  • veg out


  • bum
  • chill
  • dawdle
  • dormant
  • empty
  • kill time
  • laze
  • lazy
  • lounge
  • off
  • play
  • relax
  • rest
  • unproductive
  • unused
  • useless
  • vacant
  • veg out

kick around

  • abuse
  • bully
  • bum
  • chew on
  • chill
  • consider
  • contemplate
  • debate
  • drift
  • entertain
  • explore
  • eye
  • fool around
  • hang about
  • idle
  • kick back
  • kill time
  • lazy
  • loaf
  • look at
  • lounge
  • mess around
  • mess over
  • play
  • ponder
  • question
  • relax
  • rest
  • roam
  • stroll
  • study
  • take apart
  • veg out
  • wander
  • weigh

kick back

  • backlash
  • bask
  • bribe
  • bum
  • chill
  • deduction
  • discount
  • giveback
  • hang about
  • idle
  • incentive
  • kick around
  • kill time
  • lazy
  • loaf
  • lounge
  • payoff
  • play
  • reaction
  • rebate
  • reduction
  • relax
  • response
  • rest
  • stimulation
  • stimulus
  • stroll
  • veg out


  • backlash
  • bask
  • bribe
  • bum
  • chill
  • deduction
  • discount
  • gift
  • giveback
  • graft
  • hang about
  • idle
  • incentive
  • kick around
  • kill time
  • lazy
  • loaf
  • lounge
  • payment
  • payoff
  • play
  • reaction
  • rebate
  • reduction
  • relax
  • response
  • rest
  • stimulation
  • stimulus
  • stroll
  • veg out

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