
The word “waffle” has 2 syllables: waf-fle.

It's pronounced as /ˈwɑː.fəl/.

What is synonym and antonym for waffle?

In the thesaurus, “waffle” has 7 synonyms.

Here are synonyms for waffle along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for waffle

Meanings of waffle

  • noun
    1. A flat pastry pressed with a grid pattern.
    2. A potato waffle, a savoury flat potato cake with the same kind of grid pattern.
    3. Speech or writing that is vague, pretentious or evasive.
  • verb
    1. To smash.
    2. (of birds) To move in a side-to-side motion and descend (lose altitude) before landing. Cf wiffle, whiffle.
    3. To speak or write vaguely and evasively.
    4. To speak or write at length without any clear point or aim.
    5. To vacillate.
    6. To rotate (one's hand) back and forth in a gesture of vacillation or ambivalence.

Example Sentences

  • As the aroma filled the kitchen, the chef flipped the golden-brown waffle onto the plate.
  • The brunch menu featured a variety of toppings for the classic Belgian waffle.
  • The politician was criticized for his tendency to waffle on important issues without taking a clear stance.
  • For breakfast, she indulged in a fluffy Belgian waffle topped with fresh berries and whipped cream.
  • The cozy breakfast spot became famous for its light and fluffy waffle recipe, drawing visitors from afar.

On this page you'll find 7 synonyms or another words to waffle, such as: blintz, flapjack, flip-flop, pancake, shake, vacillate, weasel.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • absurdity
  • advertise
  • alibi
  • annoy
  • apology
  • assume
  • babble
  • badger
  • baloney
  • bamboozle
  • banter
  • bias
  • bluff
  • boast
  • bother
  • bunk
  • chat
  • chatter
  • cheat
  • chicanery
  • circumvent
  • comment
  • communication
  • con
  • concoct
  • conference
  • consultation
  • contrive
  • conversation
  • conversational
  • counterfeit
  • cover-up
  • craziness
  • crow
  • debate
  • deceit
  • deceive
  • deception
  • defraud
  • delude
  • deride
  • dialect
  • disco
  • discussion
  • dodging
  • double
  • drivel
  • dupe
  • embezzle
  • exaggeration
  • exchange
  • fake
  • falsehood
  • farce
  • feign
  • fiction
  • fleece
  • folly
  • fool
  • foolishness
  • forgery
  • fraud
  • fudge
  • fun
  • gibberish
  • gloat
  • gossip
  • harass
  • hearing
  • hoax
  • hoodwink
  • humiliate
  • hypocrisy
  • hypocritical
  • idiocy
  • illusion
  • impersonate
  • insanity
  • invent
  • joke
  • justification
  • kid
  • lampoon
  • language
  • laugh
  • lie
  • lip
  • madness
  • meaningless
  • misguide
  • misinterpretation
  • mislead
  • misrepresent
  • misrepresentation
  • misstatement
  • misuse
  • mock
  • mockery
  • monologue
  • myth
  • needle
  • nonsense
  • nudge
  • observation
  • parody
  • pester
  • pick on
  • pretend
  • pretended
  • pretext
  • profess
  • purport
  • put on
  • questioning
  • quip
  • rationalization
  • remark
  • report
  • ridicule
  • roast
  • rob
  • rubbish
  • rumor
  • ruse
  • samba
  • scam
  • scoff
  • scorn
  • sidestep
  • silliness
  • slang
  • song and dance
  • speech
  • spiel
  • spoof
  • stupidity
  • substitute
  • subterfuge
  • swindle
  • talk
  • tango
  • tantalize
  • taunt
  • tease
  • terminology
  • torment
  • trash
  • travesty
  • trick
  • trickery
  • trump up
  • untruth
  • vernacular
  • victimize
  • visit
  • vocabulary
  • waffle
  • waltz


  • advertise
  • annoy
  • assume
  • badger
  • bamboozle
  • banter
  • bantered
  • bluff
  • boast
  • bother
  • cheat
  • circumvent
  • con
  • concoct
  • contrive
  • counterfeit
  • crow
  • deceive
  • defraud
  • delude
  • deride
  • dupe
  • embezzle
  • fake
  • feign
  • fleece
  • fool
  • fudge
  • gloat
  • harass
  • hoodwink
  • humiliate
  • impersonate
  • invent
  • joked
  • kidded
  • lampoon
  • laugh
  • misguide
  • mislead
  • misrepresent
  • mock
  • needle
  • nudge
  • parody
  • pester
  • pick on
  • pretend
  • profess
  • purport
  • put on
  • quip
  • ridicule
  • rob
  • scoff
  • scorn
  • sidestep
  • spoof
  • swindle
  • tantalize
  • taunt
  • teased
  • torment
  • trump up
  • victimize
  • waffle


  • absurdity
  • advertise
  • alibi
  • annoy
  • apology
  • assume
  • babble
  • badger
  • baloney
  • bamboozle
  • banter
  • banters
  • bias
  • bluff
  • boast
  • bother
  • bunk
  • chat
  • chatter
  • cheat
  • chicanery
  • circumvent
  • comment
  • communication
  • con
  • concoct
  • conference
  • consultation
  • contrive
  • conversation
  • counterfeit
  • cover-up
  • craziness
  • crow
  • debate
  • deceit
  • deceive
  • deception
  • defraud
  • delude
  • deride
  • dialects
  • disco
  • discussion
  • dodging
  • drivel
  • dupe
  • embezzle
  • exaggeration
  • exchange
  • fake
  • falsehood
  • farce
  • feign
  • fiction
  • fleece
  • folly
  • fool
  • foolishness
  • forgery
  • fraud
  • fudge
  • gibberish
  • gloat
  • gossip
  • harass
  • hearing
  • hoax
  • hoodwink
  • humiliate
  • hypocrisy
  • idiocy
  • idioms
  • illusion
  • impersonate
  • insanity
  • invent
  • jokes
  • justification
  • kids
  • lampoon
  • languages
  • laugh
  • lie
  • lingoes
  • madness
  • misguide
  • misinterpretation
  • mislead
  • misrepresent
  • misrepresentation
  • misstatement
  • misuse
  • mock
  • mockery
  • monologue
  • myth
  • needle
  • nonsense
  • nudge
  • observation
  • parody
  • pester
  • pick on
  • pretend
  • pretext
  • profess
  • purport
  • put on
  • questioning
  • quip
  • rationalization
  • remark
  • report
  • ridicule
  • rob
  • rubbish
  • rumor
  • ruse
  • samba
  • scam
  • scoff
  • scorn
  • sidestep
  • silliness
  • slangs
  • song and dance
  • speech
  • spiel
  • spoof
  • stupidity
  • substitute
  • subterfuge
  • swindle
  • talk
  • tango
  • tantalize
  • taunt
  • teases
  • terminologies
  • torment
  • trash
  • travesty
  • trick
  • trickery
  • trump up
  • untruth
  • victimize
  • visit
  • vocabularies
  • waffle
  • waltz


  • blin
  • blintz
  • cake
  • crepe
  • flapjack
  • griddle cake
  • hotcake
  • waffle


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