
The word “waited” has 2 syllables: wait-ed.

It's pronounced as /ˈweɪtɪd/.

What is synonym and antonym for waited?

In the thesaurus, “waited” has 13 synonyms and 5 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for waited along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for waited

  • await
  • awaited
  • delay
  • expect
  • hang
  • linger
  • lingered
  • remain
  • stand by
  • stay
  • stayed
  • stick around
  • watch

Antonyms for waited

  • advance
  • go
  • hurry
  • leave
  • rush

Meanings of waited

  • verb
    1. To delay movement or action until the arrival or occurrence of; to await. (Now generally superseded by “wait for”.).
    2. To delay movement or action until some event or time; to remain neglected or in readiness.
    3. To wait tables; to serve customers in a restaurant or other eating establishment.
    4. To attend on; to accompany; especially, to attend with ceremony or respect.
    5. To attend as a consequence; to follow upon; to accompany.
    6. To defer or postpone (especially a meal).
    7. To remain chaste while one's lover is unavailable.

Example Sentences

  • She eagerly waited for her turn to audition for the lead role in the play.
  • The passengers waited patiently at the train station for the delayed arrival of their train.
  • Despite the long queue, he calmly waited in line to purchase tickets for the concert.
  • The chef carefully waited as the soufflé baked to perfection in the oven.
  • They waited in suspense for the final results of the competition, hoping for a positive outcome.

On this page you'll find 18 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to waited, such as: advance, await, awaited, delay, expect, go, hang.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • accept
  • accepted
  • continue
  • continued
  • dwelled
  • dwelt
  • endured
  • handled
  • lived
  • persevere
  • persisted
  • remained
  • resided
  • stand for
  • stayed
  • stomached
  • stood
  • sustained
  • tolerate
  • tolerated
  • took
  • waited

taken care of


  • faltered
  • hesitated
  • lurched
  • quivered
  • rocked
  • shook
  • shuddered
  • swayed
  • trembled
  • vibrated
  • waited

Word List