walking out

The phrase “walking out” has 3 syllables: walk-ing out.

It's pronounced as /ˈwɔːkɪŋ aʊt/.

What is synonym and antonym for walking out?

In the thesaurus, “walking out” has 50 synonyms and 26 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for walking out along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for walking out

  • abandon
  • abdicate
  • bailing out
  • beating it
  • blockade
  • bow out
  • boycott
  • bugging out
  • clearing off
  • clearing out
  • cutting out
  • demonstrate
  • depart
  • departing
  • departure
  • digging out
  • disappear
  • drop out
  • escape
  • evacuation
  • exit
  • exiting
  • flee
  • fly
  • getting
  • getting off
  • go
  • going
  • going off
  • leave
  • move
  • moving
  • peeling off
  • protest
  • pulling out
  • pushing off
  • pushing on
  • quit
  • retire
  • running along
  • sitting in
  • start
  • starting
  • striking
  • take off
  • taking a walk
  • taking off
  • terminate
  • walking
  • withdraw

Antonyms for walking out

  • appearance
  • approach
  • arrival
  • arrive
  • arriving
  • assert
  • begin
  • come
  • coming
  • complete
  • continue
  • defend
  • enter
  • face
  • finish
  • hold
  • join
  • keep
  • maintain
  • remain
  • remaining
  • retain
  • showing up
  • stay
  • stop
  • turning up

Example Sentences

  • He couldn't bear the tension any longer and abruptly stood up, walking out of the meeting room.
  • The actor's performance was so powerful that it left many audience members in tears, emotionally drained as they were walking out of the theater.
  • Despite the storm raging outside, she remained calm and composed, walking out of the building with a sense of purpose.
  • The students staged a protest by collectively walking out of their classes, demanding action on climate change.
  • Feeling disrespected, she made a statement by walking out of the interview midway through the questions.

On this page you'll find 76 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to walking out, such as: abandon, abdicate, appearance, approach, arrival, arrive, arriving.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words

bailing out

  • beating it
  • buggering off
  • bugging out
  • clearing off
  • clearing out
  • cutting out
  • departing
  • digging out
  • evacuating
  • exiting
  • getting
  • getting off
  • going
  • going off
  • moving
  • peeling off
  • pulling out
  • pulling up stakes
  • pushing off
  • pushing on
  • relieve
  • rescue
  • rescuing
  • running along
  • saving
  • starting
  • taking a walk
  • taking off
  • walking out

taking a hike

  • avoid
  • bailing
  • bailing out
  • beating it
  • betray
  • blow
  • bolt
  • break out
  • bugging out
  • clearing off
  • clearing out
  • cutting out
  • depart
  • departing
  • desert
  • digging out
  • disappear
  • disengage
  • drop out
  • eliminate
  • escape
  • evacuating
  • flee
  • fly
  • forsake
  • get
  • get off
  • getting off
  • give up
  • go
  • go out
  • going
  • going off
  • jump
  • leave
  • move
  • moving
  • pass
  • peeling off
  • progress
  • pull back
  • pull out
  • pulling out
  • pushing off
  • pushing on
  • quit
  • quitting
  • retire
  • retreat
  • running along
  • separate
  • start
  • take off
  • taking off
  • travel
  • vacate
  • vanish
  • walking out
  • withdraw

taking a powder

  • avoid
  • bailing out
  • beating it
  • bugging out
  • clearing off
  • clearing out
  • cutting out
  • depart
  • departing
  • desert
  • digging out
  • disappear
  • discard
  • discontinue
  • ditch
  • dodge
  • drop out
  • dump
  • elude
  • emerge
  • evade
  • exiting
  • flee
  • fly
  • getting
  • getting off
  • go
  • going
  • going off
  • leave
  • move
  • moving
  • pass
  • peeling off
  • progress
  • pull out
  • pulling out
  • pulling up stakes
  • pushing off
  • pushing on
  • quit
  • retire
  • run
  • running along
  • slip
  • slip away
  • stop
  • surrender
  • taking a walk
  • taking off
  • travel
  • vacate
  • vanish
  • walking out
  • withdraw

taking a walk

  • abandon
  • abscond
  • amble
  • bailing
  • bailing out
  • beating it
  • bugging out
  • clearing off
  • clearing out
  • cutting out
  • depart
  • departing
  • desert
  • digging out
  • discard
  • discontinue
  • ditch
  • drop
  • drop out
  • dump
  • escort
  • evacuating
  • getting off
  • give up
  • go
  • going
  • going off
  • hike
  • lead
  • leave
  • lumber
  • meander
  • moving
  • parade
  • peeling off
  • plod
  • prance
  • pull out
  • pulling out
  • pushing off
  • pushing on
  • quit
  • quitting
  • race
  • reject
  • relinquish
  • renounce
  • retire
  • revolt
  • roam
  • run
  • running along
  • saunter
  • shuffle
  • step
  • stop
  • stride
  • stroll
  • strut
  • surrender
  • taking off
  • trek
  • trudge
  • vacate
  • walking out
  • wander
  • withdraw

taking off

  • bailing out
  • beating it
  • bugging out
  • clearing off
  • clearing out
  • cutting out
  • deducting
  • departing
  • digging out
  • exiting
  • getting
  • getting off
  • going
  • going off
  • knocking over
  • moving
  • peeling off
  • pulling out
  • pushing off
  • pushing on
  • putting off
  • removing
  • ripping off
  • robbing
  • running along
  • subtracting
  • taking a walk
  • walking out

Word List